A-Tune sig meeting Time: 2021-01-08 10:00-12:00

您好! openEuler A-Tune SIG 邀请您参加 2021-01-08 10:00 召开的ZOOM会议 会议主题:A-Tune sig meeting 会议内容:本次sig会议议程: 1、A-Tune 年度实践回顾以及未来演进路线探讨,汇报人:hanxinke 2、Wisdom 调度亲和性与映射技术介绍,汇报人:chenmingmin 会议链接:https://zoom.us/j/96267522920?pwd=NHUxbkM4OVZlY05LM2JONW9TL1VDQT09 更多资讯尽在:https://openeuler.org/zh/ Hello! openEuler A-Tune SIG invites you to attend the ZOOM conference will be held at 2021-01-08 10:00, The subject of the conference is A-Tune sig meeting, There are two topics for the conference. 1、A-Tune Annual Practice Review and Future Evolution Direction Discussion 2、Introduction to Wisdom Scheduling Affinity and Mapping Technologies You can join the meeting at https://zoom.us/j/96267522920?pwd=NHUxbkM4OVZlY05LM2JONW9TL1VDQT09. More information<https://openeuler.org/zh/>
participants (1)