Signed-off-by: Yu Chuan <13186087857(a)>
...67\346\265\213\350\257\225\346\234\" | 254 ++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 254 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 "doc/manual/compass-ci\346\265\213\350\257\225\345\271\263\345\217\260\344\275\277\347\224\250\346\225\231\347\250\213--\345\246\202\344\275\225\347\224\263\350\257\267\346\265\213\350\257\225\346\234\"
diff --git "a/doc/manual/compass-ci\346\265\213\350\257\225\345\271\263\345\217\260\344\275\277\347\224\250\346\225\231\347\250\213--\345\246\202\344\275\225\347\224\263\350\257\267\346\265\213\350\257\225\346\234\" "b/doc/manual/compass-ci\346\265\213\350\257\225\345\271\263\345\217\260\344\275\277\347\224\250\346\225\231\347\250\213--\345\246\202\344\275\225\347\224\263\350\257\267\346\265\213\350\257\225\346\234\"
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..668ed15ba316
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/doc/manual/compass-ci\346\265\213\350\257\225\345\271\263\345\217\260\344\275\277\347\224\250\346\225\231\347\250\213--\345\246\202\344\275\225\347\224\263\350\257\267\346\265\213\350\257\225\346\234\"
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+# 1. 前提条件
+- send apply account email.
+- receive email from compass-ci(a)
+- local environment configuration.
+# 2. 申请测试机(虚拟机)
+## 2.1 生成本地RSA公私钥对
+hi684@account-vm ~% ssh-keygen -t rsa
+Generating public/private rsa key pair.
+Enter file in which to save the key (/home/hi684/.ssh/id_rsa):
+Created directory '/home/hi684/.ssh'.
+Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
+Enter same passphrase again:
+Your identification has been saved in /home/hi684/.ssh/id_rsa.
+Your public key has been saved in /home/hi684/.ssh/
+The key fingerprint is:
+SHA256:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx hi684@account-vm
+The key's randomart image is:
++---[RSA 2048]----+
+hi684@account-vm ~% ls -hla .ssh
+total 16K
+drwx------. 2 hi684 hi684 4.0K Nov 26 16:37 .
+drwx------. 7 hi684 hi684 4.0K Nov 26 16:37 ..
+-rw-------. 1 hi684 hi684 1.8K Nov 26 16:37 id_rsa
+-rw-r--r--. 1 hi684 hi684 398 Nov 26 16:37
+## 2.2 根据需求选择yaml
+hi684@account-vm ~% cd lkp-tests/jobs
+hi684@account-vm ~/lkp-tests/jobs% ls -hl borrow-*
+-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 53 Nov 2 14:54 borrow-10d.yaml
+-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 64 Nov 2 14:54 borrow-1d.yaml
+-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 235 Nov 19 15:27 borrow-1h.yaml
+## 2.3 提交yaml并连接测试机(虚拟机)
+hi684@account-vm ~/lkp-tests/jobs% submit -c -m testbox=vm-2p8g borrow-1h.yaml
+2020-11-26 14:44:25 +0800 WARN -- skip non-executable /home/hi684/lkp-tests/monitors/plain/wait
+submit borrow-1h.yaml, got job_id=z9.170593
+connect to ws://
+{"job_id": "z9.170593", "result_root": "/srv/result/borrow/2020-11-26/vm-2p8g/openeuler-20.03-aarch64/3600/z9.170593", "job_state": "set result root"}
+{"job_id": "z9.170593", "job_state": "boot"}
+{"job_id": "z9.170593", "job_state": "download"}
+{"time":"2020-11-26 14:45:06","mac":"0a-1f-0d-3c-91-5c","ip":"","job_id":"z9.170593","state":"running","testbox":"vm-2p8g.taishan200-2280-2s64p-256g--a38-12"}
+{"job_id": "z9.170593", "state": "set ssh port", "ssh_port": "51840", "tbox_name": "vm-2p8g.taishan200-2280-2s64p-256g--a38-12"}
+Host not found in /home/hi684/.ssh/known_hosts
+Warning: Permanently added '[]:51840' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
+Last login: Wed Sep 23 11:10:58 2020
+Welcome to 4.19.90-2003.4.0.0036.oe1.aarch64
+System information as of time: Thu Nov 26 06:44:18 CST 2020
+System load: 0.83
+Processes: 107
+Memory used: 6.1%
+Swap used: 0.0%
+Usage On: 89%
+IP address:
+Users online: 1
+root@vm-2p8g ~#
+## 2.4 使用完毕退还测试机(虚拟机)
+root@vm-2p8g ~# reboot
+Connection to closed by remote host.
+Connection to closed.
+hi684@account-vm ~/lkp-tests/jobs%
+# 3. 申请测试机(物理机)
+## 3.1 生成本地RSA公私钥对
+hi684@account-vm ~% ssh-keygen -t rsa
+Generating public/private rsa key pair.
+Enter file in which to save the key (/home/hi684/.ssh/id_rsa):
+Created directory '/home/hi684/.ssh'.
+Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
+Enter same passphrase again:
+Your identification has been saved in /home/hi684/.ssh/id_rsa.
+Your public key has been saved in /home/hi684/.ssh/
+The key fingerprint is:
+SHA256:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx hi684@account-vm
+The key's randomart image is:
++---[RSA 2048]----+
+hi684@account-vm ~% ls -hla .ssh
+total 16K
+drwx------. 2 hi684 hi684 4.0K Nov 26 16:37 .
+drwx------. 7 hi684 hi684 4.0K Nov 26 16:37 ..
+-rw-------. 1 hi684 hi684 1.8K Nov 26 16:37 id_rsa
+-rw-r--r--. 1 hi684 hi684 398 Nov 26 16:37
+## 3.2 根据需求选择yaml
+hi684@account-vm ~% cd lkp-tests/jobs
+hi684@account-vm ~/lkp-tests/jobs% ls -hl borrow-*
+-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 53 Nov 2 14:54 borrow-10d.yaml
+-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 64 Nov 2 14:54 borrow-1d.yaml
+-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 235 Nov 19 15:27 borrow-1h.yaml
+## 3.3 提交yaml并连接测试机(物理机)
+hi684@account-vm ~/lkp-tests/jobs% submit -c -m testbox=taishan200-2280-2s64p-256g borrow-1h.yaml
+2020-11-26 14:49:13 +0800 WARN -- skip non-executable /home/hi684/lkp-tests/monitors/plain/wait
+submit borrow-1h.yaml, got job_id=z9.170594
+connect to ws://
+{"job_id": "z9.170594", "result_root": "/srv/result/borrow/2020-11-26/taishan200-2280-2s64p-256g/openeuler-20.03-aarch64/3600/z9.170594", "job_state": "set result root"}
+{"job_id": "z9.170594", "job_state": "boot"}
+{"job_id": "z9.170594", "job_state": "download"}
+{"time":"2020-11-26 14:51:56","mac":"84-46-fe-26-d3-47","ip":"","job_id":"z9.170594","state":"running","testbox":"taishan200-2280-2s64p-256g--a5"}
+{"job_id": "z9.170594", "state": "set ssh port", "ssh_port": "50420", "tbox_name": "taishan200-2280-2s64p-256g--a5"}
+Host not found in /home/hi684/.ssh/known_hosts
+Warning: Permanently added '[]:50420' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
+Last login: Wed Sep 23 11:10:58 2020
+Welcome to 4.19.90-2003.4.0.0036.oe1.aarch64
+System information as of time: Thu Nov 26 14:51:59 CST 2020
+System load: 1.31
+Processes: 1020
+Memory used: 5.1%
+Swap used: 0.0%
+Usage On: 3%
+IP address:
+Users online: 1
+root@taishan200-2280-2s64p-256g--a5 ~#
+## 3.4 使用完毕退还测试机(物理机)
+root@taishan200-2280-2s64p-256g--a5 ~# reboot
+Connection to closed by remote host.
+Connection to closed.
+hi684@account-vm ~/lkp-tests/jobs%
+# 4 Faq
+## 4.1 如何自行修改申请时长?
+hi684@account-vm ~/lkp-tests/jobs% cat borrow-1h.yaml
+suite: borrow
+testcase: borrow
+ pub_key: <%=
+ begin
+ rescue
+ nil
+ end
+ %>
+# sleep at the bottom
+sleep: 1h
+hi684@account-vm ~/lkp-tests/jobs% grep sleep: borrow-1h.yaml
+sleep: 1h
+# 使用vim来修改你的sleep字段的值
+hi684@account-vm ~/lkp-tests/jobs% vim borrow-1h.yaml
+# 修改完毕后重新submit即可
+hi684@account-vm ~/lkp-tests/jobs% submit -c -m testbox=vm-2p8g borrow-1h.yaml
+## 4.2 Submit命令指导
+## 4.3 testbox都有什么可选项?
+> 说明:
+> 虚拟机的testbox:
+> - vm-xxx
+> 物理机的testbox:
+> - taishan200-2280-xxx
+> 注意:
+> - 物理机的testbox若选择以`--axx`结尾的,则表示指定到了具体的某一个物理机。若此物理机任务队列中已经有任务在排队,则需要等待队列中前面的任务执行完毕后,才会轮到你提交的borrow任务。
+> - 物理机的testbox若不选择以`-axx`结尾的,表示不指定具体的某一个物理机。则此时集群中的空闲物理机会即时被分配执行你的borrow任务。
+## 4.4 如何borrow指定的操作系统?
+关于支持的`os`, `os_arch`, `os_version`,参见:[](