
2022年4月14日 G11N ODD 2022 SIG 组规划会议会议纪要 会议纪要链接:https://etherpad.openeuler.org/p/sig-Doc-G11N-planning 说明:本会议纪要提供中、英文版本,英文版本在中文版本后面,请按需查阅,多谢。 1. 与会者(Gitee ID): Judithsq、zwy、helenliu、hcy1012、yanhuiling、liupengroc、Elena、gomico、Lavie、yalin7、阿里斯开扇、糖醋洋芋土豆、Anitazheng、svetachen、whiskymeow、amyMayun、zhangcuihong、Rachel_123456、lanlanbenming、zhengyuhanghans、gaobo123456、lzy_387655、shawn_he、wusongqing、Annie_wang、ester.zhou、zhou-yu174、Peter_1988、luoyiling、jxy_git、duyiwei7w、eyehwan、hwyytw、cheng-xiaowei1、Zhangshu、董玉臻、阮卫东、詹志岷、zhouwenpei、纪涛、孟朝明、江新宇、谭志鹏、李永乐、George、Naonao、Rudy、Cloudy、Zhangela、XINGxing、yanglu、zzzqqdd 2. 会议纪要: (1) G11N SIG 介绍 - 为什么叫G11N? G11N是Globalization的缩写,首字母G和最后一个字母N之间有11个字母,所以叫做G11N,也就是我们常说的全球化。全球化是一个超集,包含国际化和本地化。 - 社区全球化初探项目: openEuler官网内容丰富:基于开发者思维和需求,丰富、优化了社区官网的文档、技术博客和事件动态。 openEuler社区文档本地化:与infrastructure SIG和doc SIG合作,实现了待翻译内容的自动提交,本地化贡献者处理翻译issue,提交PR合入译文。 README内容优化 & 增补:完成社区的162个仓库README进行了内容优化与增补。 众选文章/书籍本地化:发起了“你推荐,我翻译的”众选计划,目前已发布10+业界洞察文章。 峰会分享:参加了操作系统产业峰会,在大会上分享了G11N在欧拉开源社区全球化能力建设与展望。 (2) 社区全球化平台需求收集 分享开源全球化平台调研成果,与参会者交流,解答问题并收集openEuler社区全球化平台需求。 - 解答以下问题: Q:openEuler社区有大量软件仓和自维护的仓库,有没有对这些仓库中README的翻译规划? A:G11N SIG已经在进行README的翻译和优化,目前也在与各仓库维护者交流制定计划,正在招募贡献者。 Q:社区要建设怎样的平台?是否会使用Zanata? A:Zanata免费版本功能不够齐全。出于成本和自主知识产权两方面的考虑,当前将Zanata作为参考,正在建设功能更完善的自有全球化平台,建成后会将平台开源。 Q:语料库等资产是否会开源? A:现在已有和后续的语料(属于openEuler社区)都会集成到建好的全球化平台里面,并且欢迎大家贡献自有语料。 Q:平台的使用者是谁? A:平台面向所有人,包括需求方和处理方(译员),平台会向处理方的贡献者推送需求,由贡献者认领需求并处理。 Q:是否所有的翻译都要通过这个平台?如我是开发者,我能否不通过平台自己翻译? A:开发者可以自行翻译,我们希望使用平台来引导合理分工。G11N SIG会定期审视最终上线文档的质量并根据情况进行优化。 Q:触发issue之后需求人是否要再去平台提需求? A:平台会自动识别issue,将issue提取到平台生成需求。 - 收集到以下需求和建议: 除README文档以外,其他的非代码内容,如源代码文件中的注释、软件仓简介、社区首页等内容也应该进行翻译。 贡献者可能不关心平台部署在哪里,但平台需要在合适的位置提供入口,方便贡献者开始翻译。 (3) 社区技术分享/课程等国际化 Q:哪些内容适合国际化? A:海外或国内比较权威的博客平台发布的前沿博客;国内开发者撰稿的技术文章,由G11N翻译为其他语种传播。需要开发者广泛参与,提供稿件。 Q:除了课程录制外,什么样的形式适合呈现国际化的内容? A:博客、podcast等。 Q:适合国际化课程等的承载平台(eg:技术论坛、社媒、官网)有哪些? A:YouTube等国际化的平台,欧拉海外社媒账号。 (4) 持续的社区国际化贡献 - 非代码贡献者参与贡献目前需要掌握哪些技能以及遇到的问题: 挑战1:Gitee基本操作、Git和VS Code工具使用、Markdown语法基本能支撑完成任务认领到PR提交的整个过程。但是有的仓库每个PR规定只能有一个commit,有时候内容pull到个人仓后再修改就会造成多个commits。希望G11N SIG可以提供合并commits的培训。 方案:合并commits涉及一个rebase的功能,G11N SIG之后会安排相应的培训。 挑战2:参与贡献时出现的不流畅的流程,拉低贡献效率。在代码比较多的文档里定位需要翻译的内容非常费时间。 方案:全球化平台建好之后,这个问题可以得到很好地解决。 挑战3:不会用工具的贡献者如何获得培训,有没有除Git外更方便的方式进行贡献。 方案:G11N SIG之前有提供类似的培训,比如Git工具和VS Code工具的操作、社区的贡献指导等等,大家可以到G11N仓库里找下培训材料进行学习 (https://gitee.com/openeuler/G11N/tree/master/learning-materials)。至于在线培训,可以关注SIG的双周例会,我们可以在会上指导大家进行操作。也会探索播客、视频教程等方式。 如果觉得Git命令行操作比较困难,可以学习使用VS Code基于图形化界面进行更直观的文档编辑。也可以直接使用Gitee网页提供的edit功能进行编辑,提交轻量级PR。 挑战4:Gitee上的文档,比如开发者指南等,希望能放在openEuler官网上进行展示和编辑,脱离Gitee操作。 方案:openEuler官网的文档可以通过“学习>文档>查看源码”路径定位到其在Gitee的具体位置。 挑战5:目前openEuler代码和资料托管在Gitee平台,虽然Gitee有英文页面,但是体验不算太好,对海外开发者不够友好。 方案:openEuler目前有部分代码也托管到GitHub,后续可以做一下调研,如果有这方面的需求,可以尝试GitHub托管代码。 (5) 明星贡献者分享 主题分享《构筑开发者友好的语言文化体验,助力开源项目全球化》: - 开发者体验与良好的开发者体验的相关要求; - 资料在开发者选择生态的决策中的重要性; - 构筑开发者友好的语言文化体验 ─ 质量标准:可用、易用、好用; - 构筑开发者友好的语言文化体验 ─ 八个原则: A. 言简意赅:用简短的话语表达丰富的想法。表达要切中要点,尽量使用简单化的表达。 B. 像日常对话般行文:我们表达的方式就如日常中正常的对话一样,友好、亲切。 C. 贴近读者:采用面向读者的描述方式,体现友好性。 D. 切中要点:重要的事优先(first things first)。将关键字、重要信息置前,方便读者基于该信息进行判断是否继续浏览,明确其下一步的行动。 E. 面向任务:避免弱意表达。尽量以动词开头,告诉读者具体的任务。 F. 避免过度主张:避免对产品和服务提出过度或无依据的主张。同时,尽量避免试图在资料中公布尚不支持的特性或发布的产品。 G. 合规:尊重知识产权,遵守知识当地广告法、行业公平竞争规定等。 H. 包容:避免使用歧视性的语言;避免使用不必要的性别语言;使用多样化和包容性的例子;以包容性方式描述特性和用户;在讨论机能缺陷和无障碍问题时避免偏见和伤害。 欢迎对社区全球化感兴趣的童鞋扫描下面的二维码加入到G11N SIG组的微信群组,方便问题讨论。 [fullImaged1310150c54a34e53dcd94f903274c712133e9b4] Meeting Minutes of G11N SIG ODD 2022 on April 14, 2022 Link to the meeting minutes: https://etherpad.openeuler.org/p/sig-Doc-G11N-planning 1. Participants (Gitee ID): Judithsq、zwy、helenliu、hcy1012、yanhuiling、liupengroc、Elena、gomico、Lavie、yalin7、阿里斯开扇、糖醋洋芋土豆、Anitazheng、svetachen、whiskymeow、amyMayun、zhangcuihong、Rachel_123456、lanlanbenming、zhengyuhanghans、gaobo123456、lzy_387655、shawn_he、wusongqing、Annie_wang、ester.zhou、zhou-yu174、Peter_1988、luoyiling、jxy_git、duyiwei7w、eyehwan、hwyytw、cheng-xiaowei1、Zhangshu、董玉臻、阮卫东、詹志岷、zhouwenpei、纪涛、孟朝明、江新宇、谭志鹏、李永乐、George、Naonao、Rudy、Cloudy、Zhangela、XINGxing、yanglu、zzzqqdd 2. Key Points: (1) Introduction to G11N SIG - Why is it called G11N? G11N is short for Globalization. There are 11 letters between the first letter G and the last letter N. It is what we call globalization, which is a superset of internationalization and localization. - Globalization projects implemented in the community: Content optimization on the openEuler website: We have optimized and enriched the documents, technical blogs, and events in the community to meet the needs of developers. Document localization in the openEuler community: The content to be translated is submitted automatically thanks to the cooperation with the infrastructure SIG and doc SIG. Localization contributors handle translation issues and submit PRs to incorporate the translation. README content optimization and supplementation: We have optimized and supplemented the README files for 162 repositories of the community. Localization of selected articles and books: We have initiated the project "You Recommend, I Translate". Currently, more than 10 insight articles have been published. Sharing in the summit: We have participated in the openEuler Summit 2021 and shared our experience in globalization capability building of the open-source community. (2) Collecting requirements for the community globalization platform Shared the survey results of the open-source globalization platform, communicated with participants, answered questions, and collected requirements for the openEuler community globalization platform. - Answered the following questions: Q: The openEuler community has many software repositories and self-maintained repositories. Is there any translation plan for README in the repositories? A: The G11N SIG is translating and optimizing README files, communicating with repository maintainers to make plans, and attracting contributors. Q: What kind of platform does the community need to build? Will Zanata be used? A: The Zanata free version does not provide complete functions. Given costs and independent intellectual property rights, Zanata is used as a reference. The community is building a globalization platform with more complete functions. Once built, it will be open-sourced. Q: Will assets such as corpuses be open-sourced? A: The existing and subsequent corpuses belong to the openEuler community and will be integrated into the globalization platform. You are welcome to contribute your own corpus. Q: Who are the users of the platform? A: The platform is oriented to all people, including the requesters and processors (translators). The platform pushes requirements to the contributors (processors), and the contributors claim and process the requirements. Q: Do all translations need to be performed on this platform? If I am a developer, can I translate by myself without using the platform? A: Developers can translate by themselves. We hope to use the platform to reasonably divide labor. The G11N SIG will check the documents periodically and optimize the documents when necessary. Q: Once an issue is triggered, does the applicant need to submit a requirement on the platform? A: The platform automatically identifies issues, extracts issues, and generates requirements. - Collected the following requirements and suggestions: In addition to README documents, other non-code contents, including comments in source code files, software repository introduction, and community home page, should also be translated. Contributors may not care where the platform is deployed, but the platform needs to provide an entry in the right place so that contributors can start translating. (3) Internationalization of community technology sharing and courses Q: What contents are suitable for internationalization? A: Some cutting-edge blogs published on authoritative blog platforms around the world; technical documents written by developers in China. For the latter one, G11N SIG can translate them for publication. We hope more developers can participate and provide blogs and documents. Q: In addition to course videos, what forms are suitable for presenting multi-language technology content? A: Blogs, podcasts, etc. Q: What platforms (such as technical forums, social media, and official websites) are suitable for releasing courses? A: International platforms including YouTube and openEuler social media accounts outside China. (4) Continuing G11N contributions to the community - What skills do non-code contributors need to master and what problems have they encountered? Challenge 1: Basic Gitee operations, usage of Git and VS Code tools, and Markdown syntax can basically support the entire process from task claiming to PR submission. However, in some repositories, each PR can have only one commit. Sometimes, after the content is pulled to the personal depository, modification will cause multiple commits. We hope that the G11N SIG can provide training on merging commits. Solution: Merging commits involves the rebase function. G11N SIG will arrange related training later. Challenge 2: Unsmooth processes that occur during contribution reduce the contribution efficiency. It takes a long time to locate the content to be translated in a document with a large amount of code. Solution: Once built, the globalization platform can solve this problem. Challenge 3: How can contributors get training on how to use the tools? Is there a more convenient way to contribute besides Git? Solution: G11N SIG has provided similar training, such as Git and VS Code operations and community contribution guide. You can find the training materials in the G11N repository for learning (https://gitee.com/openeuler/G11N/tree/master/learning-materials). As for the online training, you can pay attention to the biweekly SIG meeting. We can guide you through the operations in the meeting. We will also explore podcasts and video tutorials. If you think it is difficult to operate the Git commands, you can use the VS Code to edit documents based on the GUI. You can also use the edit function provided by the Gitee web page to edit and submit a lightweight PR. Challenge 4: Documents on Gitee, such as the developer guide, are expected to be displayed and editable on the openEuler website without Gitee operations. Solution: For documents on the openEuler website, choose Learning > Document > View Source Code to locate them in Gitee. Challenge 5: Currently, the openEuler code and documentation are hosted on the Gitee platform. Although Gitee has English pages, it is unfriendly to developers outside China and user experience is not good. Solution: Some code of openEuler is hosted on GitHub as well. If there are requirements, we can conduct surveys and try using GitHub to host code. (5) Sharing by star contributors Theme sharing: Build Developer-Friendly Language and Culture Experience, Accelerating the Globalization of Open-Source Projects - Requirements of good developer experience - Importance of documentation in developers' decision of choosing an ecosystem - Quality standards of developer-friendly language and culture experience: usable, easy-to-use, and efficient - Eight principles of building developer-friendly experience: A. Concise: Use short words to express rich ideas. Focus on key points and try to use simple expressions. B. Writing like a daily conversation: We express ourselves friendly and cordially, just as we do in daily conversations. C. Reader-oriented: Use descriptions closer to readers to be friendly. D. Key points: Give priority to important things first (first things first). Display key words and important information at the beginning so that readers can determine whether to continue browsing and determine the next action. E. Task-oriented: Avoid weak expressions. Try to start with a verb to tell readers the specific task. F. Avoid excessive claims: Avoid excessive or unfounded claims on products and services. In addition, try to avoid disclosing unsupported features or unreleased products in documents. G. Compliance: Respect intellectual property rights and comply with local advertising laws and regulations on fair competition. H. Inclusion: Avoid discriminatory language; avoid unnecessary gender language; take diverse and inclusive examples; describe identities and users in inclusively; and avoid prejudice and harm when discussing functional deficiencies and accessibility. Anyone interested in community globalization are welcome to scan the following QR code to join the WeChat group of G11N SIG. [fullImaged1310150c54a34e53dcd94f903274c712133e9b4] -----邮件原件----- 发件人: suqin (D) [mailto:suqin2@huawei.com] 发送时间: 2022年4月14日 9:25 收件人: tc@openeuler.org 抄送: Zhangli (Izzie) <izzie.zhangli@huawei.com> 主题: [Tc] [Dev] G11N & Doc ODD 2022 SIG组规划会议 您好! G11N SIG 邀请您参加 2022-04-14 15:00 召开的ZOOM会议(自动录制) 会议主题:G11N & Doc ODD 2022 SIG组规划会议 会议内容: 1. openEuler doc SIG 介绍 2. openEuler G11N SIG介绍 3. 社区全球化平台(即在线的、面向Contributor的翻译/本地化作业系统)需求收集 4. 社区SIG日常技术分享等活动的国际化以及如何通过国际化吸引海外开发者互动 5. 持续的社区国际化贡献 6. 贡献者分享:构筑开发者友好的语言文化体验,助力开源项目全球化 会议链接:https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87805627521?pwd=ZzNjWUpYdzNId2p5dUdHVld5QVl2Zz09 温馨提醒:建议接入会议后修改参会人的姓名,也可以使用您在gitee.com的ID 更多资讯尽在:https://openeuler.org/zh/ Hello! openEuler doc SIG invites you to attend the ZOOM conference(auto recording) will be held at 2022-04-14 15:00, The subject of the conference is G11N & Doc ODD 2022 SIG组规划会议, You can join the meeting at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87805627521?pwd=ZzNjWUpYdzNId2p5dUdHVld5QVl2Zz09. Note: You are advised to change the participant name after joining the conference or use your ID at gitee.com. More information: https://openeuler.org/en/

G11N MoM is very globalized and impressing. 发件人: suqin (D) <suqin2@huawei.com> 发送时间: Saturday, April 16, 2022 9:28 AM 收件人: g11n <g11n@openeuler.org>; tc@openeuler.org 主题: [Tc] G11N SIG ODD 2022 SIG 组规划会议会议纪要 // G11N & Doc ODD 2022 SIG组规划会议 2022年4月14日 G11N ODD 2022 SIG 组规划会议会议纪要 会议纪要链接:https://etherpad.openeuler.org/p/sig-Doc-G11N-planning 说明:本会议纪要提供中、英文版本,英文版本在中文版本后面,请按需查阅,多谢。 1. 与会者(Gitee ID): Judithsq、zwy、helenliu、hcy1012、yanhuiling、liupengroc、Elena、gomico、Lavie、yalin7、阿里斯开扇、糖醋洋芋土豆、Anitazheng、svetachen、whiskymeow、amyMayun、zhangcuihong、Rachel_123456、lanlanbenming、zhengyuhanghans、gaobo123456、lzy_387655、shawn_he、wusongqing、Annie_wang、ester.zhou、zhou-yu174、Peter_1988、luoyiling、jxy_git、duyiwei7w、eyehwan、hwyytw、cheng-xiaowei1、Zhangshu、董玉臻、阮卫东、詹志岷、zhouwenpei、纪涛、孟朝明、江新宇、谭志鹏、李永乐、George、Naonao、Rudy、Cloudy、Zhangela、XINGxing、yanglu、zzzqqdd 2. 会议纪要: (1) G11N SIG 介绍 - 为什么叫G11N? G11N是Globalization的缩写,首字母G和最后一个字母N之间有11个字母,所以叫做G11N,也就是我们常说的全球化。全球化是一个超集,包含国际化和本地化。 - 社区全球化初探项目: openEuler官网内容丰富:基于开发者思维和需求,丰富、优化了社区官网的文档、技术博客和事件动态。 openEuler社区文档本地化:与infrastructure SIG和doc SIG合作,实现了待翻译内容的自动提交,本地化贡献者处理翻译issue,提交PR合入译文。 README内容优化 & 增补:完成社区的162个仓库README进行了内容优化与增补。 众选文章/书籍本地化:发起了“你推荐,我翻译的”众选计划,目前已发布10+业界洞察文章。 峰会分享:参加了操作系统产业峰会,在大会上分享了G11N在欧拉开源社区全球化能力建设与展望。 (2) 社区全球化平台需求收集 分享开源全球化平台调研成果,与参会者交流,解答问题并收集openEuler社区全球化平台需求。 - 解答以下问题: Q:openEuler社区有大量软件仓和自维护的仓库,有没有对这些仓库中README的翻译规划? A:G11N SIG已经在进行README的翻译和优化,目前也在与各仓库维护者交流制定计划,正在招募贡献者。 Q:社区要建设怎样的平台?是否会使用Zanata? A:Zanata免费版本功能不够齐全。出于成本和自主知识产权两方面的考虑,当前将Zanata作为参考,正在建设功能更完善的自有全球化平台,建成后会将平台开源。 Q:语料库等资产是否会开源? A:现在已有和后续的语料(属于openEuler社区)都会集成到建好的全球化平台里面,并且欢迎大家贡献自有语料。 Q:平台的使用者是谁? A:平台面向所有人,包括需求方和处理方(译员),平台会向处理方的贡献者推送需求,由贡献者认领需求并处理。 Q:是否所有的翻译都要通过这个平台?如我是开发者,我能否不通过平台自己翻译? A:开发者可以自行翻译,我们希望使用平台来引导合理分工。G11N SIG会定期审视最终上线文档的质量并根据情况进行优化。 Q:触发issue之后需求人是否要再去平台提需求? A:平台会自动识别issue,将issue提取到平台生成需求。 - 收集到以下需求和建议: 除README文档以外,其他的非代码内容,如源代码文件中的注释、软件仓简介、社区首页等内容也应该进行翻译。 贡献者可能不关心平台部署在哪里,但平台需要在合适的位置提供入口,方便贡献者开始翻译。 (3) 社区技术分享/课程等国际化 Q:哪些内容适合国际化? A:海外或国内比较权威的博客平台发布的前沿博客;国内开发者撰稿的技术文章,由G11N翻译为其他语种传播。需要开发者广泛参与,提供稿件。 Q:除了课程录制外,什么样的形式适合呈现国际化的内容? A:博客、podcast等。 Q:适合国际化课程等的承载平台(eg:技术论坛、社媒、官网)有哪些? A:YouTube等国际化的平台,欧拉海外社媒账号。 (4) 持续的社区国际化贡献 - 非代码贡献者参与贡献目前需要掌握哪些技能以及遇到的问题: 挑战1:Gitee基本操作、Git和VS Code工具使用、Markdown语法基本能支撑完成任务认领到PR提交的整个过程。但是有的仓库每个PR规定只能有一个commit,有时候内容pull到个人仓后再修改就会造成多个commits。希望G11N SIG可以提供合并commits的培训。 方案:合并commits涉及一个rebase的功能,G11N SIG之后会安排相应的培训。 挑战2:参与贡献时出现的不流畅的流程,拉低贡献效率。在代码比较多的文档里定位需要翻译的内容非常费时间。 方案:全球化平台建好之后,这个问题可以得到很好地解决。 挑战3:不会用工具的贡献者如何获得培训,有没有除Git外更方便的方式进行贡献。 方案:G11N SIG之前有提供类似的培训,比如Git工具和VS Code工具的操作、社区的贡献指导等等,大家可以到G11N仓库里找下培训材料进行学习 (https://gitee.com/openeuler/G11N/tree/master/learning-materials)。至于在线培训,可以关注SIG的双周例会,我们可以在会上指导大家进行操作。也会探索播客、视频教程等方式。 如果觉得Git命令行操作比较困难,可以学习使用VS Code基于图形化界面进行更直观的文档编辑。也可以直接使用Gitee网页提供的edit功能进行编辑,提交轻量级PR。 挑战4:Gitee上的文档,比如开发者指南等,希望能放在openEuler官网上进行展示和编辑,脱离Gitee操作。 方案:openEuler官网的文档可以通过“学习>文档>查看源码”路径定位到其在Gitee的具体位置。 挑战5:目前openEuler代码和资料托管在Gitee平台,虽然Gitee有英文页面,但是体验不算太好,对海外开发者不够友好。 方案:openEuler目前有部分代码也托管到GitHub,后续可以做一下调研,如果有这方面的需求,可以尝试GitHub托管代码。 (5) 明星贡献者分享 主题分享《构筑开发者友好的语言文化体验,助力开源项目全球化》: - 开发者体验与良好的开发者体验的相关要求; - 资料在开发者选择生态的决策中的重要性; - 构筑开发者友好的语言文化体验 ─ 质量标准:可用、易用、好用; - 构筑开发者友好的语言文化体验 ─ 八个原则: A. 言简意赅:用简短的话语表达丰富的想法。表达要切中要点,尽量使用简单化的表达。 B. 像日常对话般行文:我们表达的方式就如日常中正常的对话一样,友好、亲切。 C. 贴近读者:采用面向读者的描述方式,体现友好性。 D. 切中要点:重要的事优先(first things first)。将关键字、重要信息置前,方便读者基于该信息进行判断是否继续浏览,明确其下一步的行动。 E. 面向任务:避免弱意表达。尽量以动词开头,告诉读者具体的任务。 F. 避免过度主张:避免对产品和服务提出过度或无依据的主张。同时,尽量避免试图在资料中公布尚不支持的特性或发布的产品。 G. 合规:尊重知识产权,遵守知识当地广告法、行业公平竞争规定等。 H. 包容:避免使用歧视性的语言;避免使用不必要的性别语言;使用多样化和包容性的例子;以包容性方式描述特性和用户;在讨论机能缺陷和无障碍问题时避免偏见和伤害。 欢迎对社区全球化感兴趣的童鞋扫描下面的二维码加入到G11N SIG组的微信群组,方便问题讨论。 [fullImaged1310150c54a34e53dcd94f903274c712133e9b4] Meeting Minutes of G11N SIG ODD 2022 on April 14, 2022 Link to the meeting minutes: https://etherpad.openeuler.org/p/sig-Doc-G11N-planning 1. Participants (Gitee ID): Judithsq、zwy、helenliu、hcy1012、yanhuiling、liupengroc、Elena、gomico、Lavie、yalin7、阿里斯开扇、糖醋洋芋土豆、Anitazheng、svetachen、whiskymeow、amyMayun、zhangcuihong、Rachel_123456、lanlanbenming、zhengyuhanghans、gaobo123456、lzy_387655、shawn_he、wusongqing、Annie_wang、ester.zhou、zhou-yu174、Peter_1988、luoyiling、jxy_git、duyiwei7w、eyehwan、hwyytw、cheng-xiaowei1、Zhangshu、董玉臻、阮卫东、詹志岷、zhouwenpei、纪涛、孟朝明、江新宇、谭志鹏、李永乐、George、Naonao、Rudy、Cloudy、Zhangela、XINGxing、yanglu、zzzqqdd 2. Key Points: (1) Introduction to G11N SIG - Why is it called G11N? G11N is short for Globalization. There are 11 letters between the first letter G and the last letter N. It is what we call globalization, which is a superset of internationalization and localization. - Globalization projects implemented in the community: Content optimization on the openEuler website: We have optimized and enriched the documents, technical blogs, and events in the community to meet the needs of developers. Document localization in the openEuler community: The content to be translated is submitted automatically thanks to the cooperation with the infrastructure SIG and doc SIG. Localization contributors handle translation issues and submit PRs to incorporate the translation. README content optimization and supplementation: We have optimized and supplemented the README files for 162 repositories of the community. Localization of selected articles and books: We have initiated the project "You Recommend, I Translate". Currently, more than 10 insight articles have been published. Sharing in the summit: We have participated in the openEuler Summit 2021 and shared our experience in globalization capability building of the open-source community. (2) Collecting requirements for the community globalization platform Shared the survey results of the open-source globalization platform, communicated with participants, answered questions, and collected requirements for the openEuler community globalization platform. - Answered the following questions: Q: The openEuler community has many software repositories and self-maintained repositories. Is there any translation plan for README in the repositories? A: The G11N SIG is translating and optimizing README files, communicating with repository maintainers to make plans, and attracting contributors. Q: What kind of platform does the community need to build? Will Zanata be used? A: The Zanata free version does not provide complete functions. Given costs and independent intellectual property rights, Zanata is used as a reference. The community is building a globalization platform with more complete functions. Once built, it will be open-sourced. Q: Will assets such as corpuses be open-sourced? A: The existing and subsequent corpuses belong to the openEuler community and will be integrated into the globalization platform. You are welcome to contribute your own corpus. Q: Who are the users of the platform? A: The platform is oriented to all people, including the requesters and processors (translators). The platform pushes requirements to the contributors (processors), and the contributors claim and process the requirements. Q: Do all translations need to be performed on this platform? If I am a developer, can I translate by myself without using the platform? A: Developers can translate by themselves. We hope to use the platform to reasonably divide labor. The G11N SIG will check the documents periodically and optimize the documents when necessary. Q: Once an issue is triggered, does the applicant need to submit a requirement on the platform? A: The platform automatically identifies issues, extracts issues, and generates requirements. - Collected the following requirements and suggestions: In addition to README documents, other non-code contents, including comments in source code files, software repository introduction, and community home page, should also be translated. Contributors may not care where the platform is deployed, but the platform needs to provide an entry in the right place so that contributors can start translating. (3) Internationalization of community technology sharing and courses Q: What contents are suitable for internationalization? A: Some cutting-edge blogs published on authoritative blog platforms around the world; technical documents written by developers in China. For the latter one, G11N SIG can translate them for publication. We hope more developers can participate and provide blogs and documents. Q: In addition to course videos, what forms are suitable for presenting multi-language technology content? A: Blogs, podcasts, etc. Q: What platforms (such as technical forums, social media, and official websites) are suitable for releasing courses? A: International platforms including YouTube and openEuler social media accounts outside China. (4) Continuing G11N contributions to the community - What skills do non-code contributors need to master and what problems have they encountered? Challenge 1: Basic Gitee operations, usage of Git and VS Code tools, and Markdown syntax can basically support the entire process from task claiming to PR submission. However, in some repositories, each PR can have only one commit. Sometimes, after the content is pulled to the personal depository, modification will cause multiple commits. We hope that the G11N SIG can provide training on merging commits. Solution: Merging commits involves the rebase function. G11N SIG will arrange related training later. Challenge 2: Unsmooth processes that occur during contribution reduce the contribution efficiency. It takes a long time to locate the content to be translated in a document with a large amount of code. Solution: Once built, the globalization platform can solve this problem. Challenge 3: How can contributors get training on how to use the tools? Is there a more convenient way to contribute besides Git? Solution: G11N SIG has provided similar training, such as Git and VS Code operations and community contribution guide. You can find the training materials in the G11N repository for learning (https://gitee.com/openeuler/G11N/tree/master/learning-materials). As for the online training, you can pay attention to the biweekly SIG meeting. We can guide you through the operations in the meeting. We will also explore podcasts and video tutorials. If you think it is difficult to operate the Git commands, you can use the VS Code to edit documents based on the GUI. You can also use the edit function provided by the Gitee web page to edit and submit a lightweight PR. Challenge 4: Documents on Gitee, such as the developer guide, are expected to be displayed and editable on the openEuler website without Gitee operations. Solution: For documents on the openEuler website, choose Learning > Document > View Source Code to locate them in Gitee. Challenge 5: Currently, the openEuler code and documentation are hosted on the Gitee platform. Although Gitee has English pages, it is unfriendly to developers outside China and user experience is not good. Solution: Some code of openEuler is hosted on GitHub as well. If there are requirements, we can conduct surveys and try using GitHub to host code. (5) Sharing by star contributors Theme sharing: Build Developer-Friendly Language and Culture Experience, Accelerating the Globalization of Open-Source Projects - Requirements of good developer experience - Importance of documentation in developers' decision of choosing an ecosystem - Quality standards of developer-friendly language and culture experience: usable, easy-to-use, and efficient - Eight principles of building developer-friendly experience: A. Concise: Use short words to express rich ideas. Focus on key points and try to use simple expressions. B. Writing like a daily conversation: We express ourselves friendly and cordially, just as we do in daily conversations. C. Reader-oriented: Use descriptions closer to readers to be friendly. D. Key points: Give priority to important things first (first things first). Display key words and important information at the beginning so that readers can determine whether to continue browsing and determine the next action. E. Task-oriented: Avoid weak expressions. Try to start with a verb to tell readers the specific task. F. Avoid excessive claims: Avoid excessive or unfounded claims on products and services. In addition, try to avoid disclosing unsupported features or unreleased products in documents. G. Compliance: Respect intellectual property rights and comply with local advertising laws and regulations on fair competition. H. Inclusion: Avoid discriminatory language; avoid unnecessary gender language; take diverse and inclusive examples; describe identities and users in inclusively; and avoid prejudice and harm when discussing functional deficiencies and accessibility. Anyone interested in community globalization are welcome to scan the following QR code to join the WeChat group of G11N SIG. [fullImaged1310150c54a34e53dcd94f903274c712133e9b4] -----邮件原件----- 发件人: suqin (D) [mailto:suqin2@huawei.com] 发送时间: 2022年4月14日 9:25 收件人: tc@openeuler.org<mailto:tc@openeuler.org> 抄送: Zhangli (Izzie) <izzie.zhangli@huawei.com<mailto:izzie.zhangli@huawei.com>> 主题: [Tc] [Dev] G11N & Doc ODD 2022 SIG组规划会议 您好! G11N SIG 邀请您参加 2022-04-14 15:00 召开的ZOOM会议(自动录制) 会议主题:G11N & Doc ODD 2022 SIG组规划会议 会议内容: 1. openEuler doc SIG 介绍 2. openEuler G11N SIG介绍 3. 社区全球化平台(即在线的、面向Contributor的翻译/本地化作业系统)需求收集 4. 社区SIG日常技术分享等活动的国际化以及如何通过国际化吸引海外开发者互动 5. 持续的社区国际化贡献 6. 贡献者分享:构筑开发者友好的语言文化体验,助力开源项目全球化 会议链接:https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87805627521?pwd=ZzNjWUpYdzNId2p5dUdHVld5QVl2Zz09 温馨提醒:建议接入会议后修改参会人的姓名,也可以使用您在gitee.com的ID 更多资讯尽在:https://openeuler.org/zh/ Hello! openEuler doc SIG invites you to attend the ZOOM conference(auto recording) will be held at 2022-04-14 15:00, The subject of the conference is G11N & Doc ODD 2022 SIG组规划会议, You can join the meeting at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87805627521?pwd=ZzNjWUpYdzNId2p5dUdHVld5QVl2Zz09. Note: You are advised to change the participant name after joining the conference or use your ID at gitee.com. More information: https://openeuler.org/en/
participants (2)
Liyongle (Fred)
suqin (D)