10 Apr
10 Apr
4:43 p.m.
您好! openEuler gatekeeper SIG 邀请您参加 2022-02-03 10:00 召开的ZOOM会议 会议主题:这是一封测试邮件,请忽视 会议链接:https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89902296285?pwd=eEVqMy9vSFFQOWcwak1kR2l4U1hjUT09 更多资讯尽在:https://openeuler.org/zh/ Hello! openEuler gatekeeper SIG invites you to attend the ZOOM conference will be held at 2022-02-03 10:00, The subject of the conference is 这是一封测试邮件,请忽视, You can join the meeting at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89902296285?pwd=eEVqMy9vSFFQOWcwak1kR2l4U1hjUT09. More information