HI OE team, DELL服务器 申请硬件和OE操作系统的兼容性验证: 的原因(背景),测试的硬件信息,选择openEuler的哪个版本系统 1. 原因:DELL 合作伙伴或者客户购买DELL服务器会安装OpenEuler的操作系统,客户希望DELL能针对OE操作系统进行测试认证。 2. 版本:OpenEuler-22.03-LTS-x86_64 3. 测试的DELL服务器主要包含:AMD:R6515,R7515,R6525,R7525; Intel:R550,R750,R650,R750XS,R750XA; Intel配置信息:CPU icelake RAM8*32G Ports and Bus TypesX16 PCI Express 4 X16 Video AdapterMatrox Electronics Systems Ltd.Integrated Matrox G200eW3 Graphics Controller(rev 04) Host Bus Adapter Hard Disk DriveDELL PERC H755 Front 5.21 AMD配置信息:CPUAMD EPYC3 RAM8*32G DDR4 3200 Ports and Bus Typesx8 PCIE Video AdapterMatrox Electronics Systems Ltd. Integrated Matrox G200eW3 Graphics Controller (rev 04) Host Bus Adapter Hard Disk DrivePERC H755N Front 5.16 Kind Regards! Levan Lin 林铭 OEM Sales Engineering, Greater China Dell Technologies OEM Solutions Mobile:18659293467 [cid:image001.jpg@01D98FEA.855771C0]<https://www.delltechnologies.com/zh-cn/oem/index.htm#tab0=0&tab1=0&video-overlay=6195068771001> Internal Use - Confidential