| | | | | | | | |
| | bunzip2 -L/-V和bzcat -L/-V查询信息打印异常且返回值不为0 | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | use UCP in UTF mode 补丁未合入 | | | | | | |
| | kerberos安装缺少krb5-auth-dialog 和 krb5-workstation | | | | | | |
| | ambari上部署Kerberos,create keytabs阶段失败 | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | OpenEuler23.03不支持platform-python,如何解决 | | | | | | |
| | python3.spec文件中,无效的ifarch语句 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I71KX8 |
| | Upgrade to latest release [python3: 3.10.9 2022/12/06 -> 3.11.4 2023/06/06] | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I7KA4H |
| | pyconfig-64.h中定义了__CHAR_UNSIGNED__ 改变了编译行为,导致程序运行出错 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I7KBUF |
| | | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I67IFE |
| | tmp.mount状态是active,/tmp目录被挂载为tmpfs文件系统 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I7VW3D |
| | 使用x2openEuler把centos7.0升级到openEuler22.03LTS出现boot分区挂载不上的情况 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I84DBH |
| | sd-event: re-check new epoll events when a child event is queued__184 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8DSC6 |
| | 缺少了 /usr/bin/systemd-firstboot | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8F8N6 |
| | gcc 10.3.0 __libc_vfork符号丢失(i686架构) | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I4V9K0 |
| | X86架构下无法对mysql8进行autobolt模式反馈编译,报错 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I5RTUS |
| | Bug in openEuler/gcc (10.3.0) ,22.03-LTS-performance 分支 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I5XP8E |
| | aarch64架构boost icl模板库优化错误 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I65UF9 |
| | Bug in openEuler/gcc (10.3.0) support for ARM SVE openmp | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I6UDV8 |
| | | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I70VML |
| | | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I7B6X5 |
| | 【openEuler-22.03-LTS-SP1 】548子项异常波动问题跟踪 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I7BM6U |
| | peneuler 20.03 LTS arrch64 上安装 libreoffice 报错 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I7CKVY |
| | Bug in openEuler/gcc (10.3.1) support for ARM SVE under O0 compiler level | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I7CWOS |
| | | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I7EZAZ |
| | openEuler-20.03-LTS-SP3版本与openEuler-22.03-LTS版本x86上gcc参数差异导致编译出的二进制性能下降 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I7YRN6 |
| | openEuler 22.03 LTS-SP1版本上编译node-v18.18.0的代码失败 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I84L9F |
| | | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8B80Y |
| | 在arm平台使用asan编译选项的程序退出前会卡顿5s左右 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8C0YS |
| | gcc的CVE-2023-4039修复导致鲲鹏920cpu上glibc的接口函数getenv,getenvT2,strftime接口性能下降 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8DA53 |
| | 【x86】gcc开启fno-omit-frame-pointer编译选项后编译glibc代码,编出的二进制执行会触发coredump | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8FACZ |
| | Upgrade to latest release [alsa-lib: 1.2.9 2023/05/04 -> 1.2.10 2023/09/01] | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8A77R |
| | master分支上glibc x86上构建出现“copy relocation against non-copyable protected symbol `protvaritcpt'”链接错误 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I7TS5R |
| | Upgrade to latest release [gtk2: 2.24.33 2020/12/20 -> 4.11.4 2023/07/03] | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I7LSWG |
| | | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I6VDW2 |
| | 22.03分支kernel子包perf与libtraceevent有安装冲突 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I4UTGM |
| | iscsi登录操作并发sysfs读操作概率导致空指针访问 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I4YT2R |
| | 删除iptable_filter.ko时出现空指针问题 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I58CJR |
| | [openEuler-20.03-LTS-SP3] kernel build failed 20220525 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I59BY7 |
| | | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I5C33B |
| | Upgrade to latest release [kernel: 5.10.0 -> 5.17] | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I5D9J8 |
| | 【openEuler-1.0-LTS】nbd 加载/卸载模组 和 alloc config并发导致 panic | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I5G321 |
| | | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I5H311 |
| | x86: Improve testing false positive for tst-cpu-features-cpuinfo with bad hardware. | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I5I2M8 |
| | 【安装冲突arm/x86_64】openEuler:22.09分支libtraceevent与kernel子包perf安装冲突 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I5JKG6 |
| | 【22.03 LTS ARM】鲲鹏 920 x8 安装 OS 时,卡死在内核启动界面。 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I5LO4A |
| | 当前kernel提供的spec中,定义了kernel-headers,但是未定义版本号,部分依赖于kernel-headers高版本的软件包错误的被安装在了低版本内核上 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I5NXF8 |
| | 反复触发i40e网卡sriov增删vf后,iavf_remove触发BUG_ON at drivers/pci/msi.c:397 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I5OOLB |
| | | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I5OYJZ |
| | 注入内存申请故障,i40iw_initialize_dev失败时出现oops复位 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I5PBRB |
| | | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I5RH8C |
| | openEuler是否有开启CONFIG_AUXILIARY_BUS配置的计划 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I5V92B |
| | openEuler如何适配新硬件,请提供适配流程指导 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I5VCIJ |
| | 回合bpftool prog attach/detach命令 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I5WCP1 |
| | 主线回合scsi: iscsi_tcp: Fix UAF during logout and login | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I6FZWY |
| | kernel.spec中是否会新增打包intel-sst工具 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I6HXB9 |
| | 【oe 23.03】/proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern中写脚本时收集不到core文件 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I6LBR9 |
| | | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I6N49D |
| | 【openeuler-22.03-LTS-SP1】openeuler-22.03-LTS-SP1 x86默认不再编译bcache,导致bcache业务无法正常使用 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I6N49G |
| | 5.10按照per-node配置大页数量hugepages=0:5,4:6,2:-2,7:3现象和6.1不一致 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I6OEXX |
| | | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I6OLND |
| | 【22.03-LTS-SP1】modprobe强制加载内核模块失败Key was rejected by service | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I6ORVZ |
| | [openEuler-22.03-LTS-SP1] arm 内核不支持files cgroup | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I6P3II |
| | 【openEuler-20.03-LTS-SP3】客户现网两台openEuler宿主机的两台centos虚拟机之间通信,10分之一的概率出现udp丢包导致业务异常 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I6PV1X |
| | 主线补丁:udp: skip L4 aggregation for UDP tunnel packets分析 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I6VWNS |
| | 【openEuler-23.03】wifi功能使用问题 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I70U2A |
| | 开启FIPS模式重启系统内核自检ofb(aes)算法失败导致panic | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I73TNL |
| | openeuler 23.03 kernel-6.1.19.src.rpm 编译打包报错 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I73Z10 |
| | perf 与 libtraceevent 软件包存在安装冲突 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I7BRC1 |
| | lmbench 时延测试 在kunpeng 5250场景下 SP2相比SP1回退 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I7F55T |
| | openEuler-22.03-LTS-SP1 Bcache I/O跌零严重持续时间长 且很频繁,基本无法使用 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I7JFSR |
| | 【openEuler-22.03-LTS-SP2】修改虚拟机内核启动参数,Guest-Idle-Haltpoll特性无法生效 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I7O8KA |
| | 编译内核make menuconfig报make: *** [Makefile:603: menuconfig] Error 2 错误 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I855U7 |
| | | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8C74L |
| | [20.03-lts-sp4]Support handle CXL devices AER errors in firmware-first mode | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8EAHA |
| | 【20.03-LTS-SP4】为HNS3 NIC驱动的基本收发报文功能增加部分功能以及cleanup | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8EJ0A |
| | [20.03-lts-sp4]The Hisi SAS driver supports the SMP, SSP, and STP protocols | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8EKNE |
| | 【20.03-LTS-SP4】对PF支持速率和双工的自协商的cleanup并增加PF驱动支持内核态phy驱动读写phy信息 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8EMQV |
| | 【20.03-LTS-SP4】针对HNS3驱动的PF驱动增加RAS机制、异常中断恢复处理、tx bounce buffer优化 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8EMUR |
| | 【20.03-LTS-SP4】增加PF支持查询link失败原因特性并对自协商部分功能进行bugfix | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8EMYT |
| | 【20.03-LTS-SP4】HNS3驱动新增部分特性 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8EN3D |
| | 【20.03-LTS-SP4】920B回合中识别到的功能依赖补丁以及重构补丁回合 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8EN49 |
| | [20.03-lts-sp4]The Hisi SAS driver supports the MQ feature | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8F7ZR |
| | [20.03-lts-sp4]The Hisi SAS driver supports low power consumption of the SAS controller | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8F803 |
| | [20.03-lts-sp4]The Hisi SAS driver supports automatic or manual dump of driver entries and register information | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8F808 |
| | [20.03-lts-sp4]The Hisi SAS driver supports loopback bit stream | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8F80L |
| | [20.03-lts-sp4]The Hisi SAS driver supports enabling the DFX function by default | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8F81L |
| | [20.03-lts-sp4]The Hisi SAS driver supports low power consumption for SCSI hard disks | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8F81U |
| | [20.03-lts-sp4]The Hisi SAS driver supports trace FIFO | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8F825 |
| | [20.03-lts-sp4]The Hisi SAS driver supports process error scenarios | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8F82P |
| | [20.03-lts-sp4]The Hisi SAS driver supports FLR | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8F82X |
| | [20.03-lts-sp4]The Hisi SAS driver supports read and write I/O services. | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8F84O |
| | [20.03-lts-sp4]The Hisi SAS driver supports SATA disks | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8F85H |
| | [20.03-lts-sp4]The Hisi SAS driver supports the DIF/DIX feature | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8F85N |
| | [openEuler-20.03-LTS-SP3]打开kmemleak开关重编内核,重启后扫描到内存泄漏 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8FDPC |
| | curl命令向hadoop3.2.1 webhdfs put文件失败 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I6TQ8W |
| | iproute2工具支持解析UB设备及相应的vf地址打印 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8EZGI |
| | | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I57O76 |
| | spec 文件内指定了仅 gcc 支持的 CCASFLAGS 导致 LLVM 下 configure 错误 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I6ZAYW |
| | | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I6MJB4 |
| | 全量升级重启后,dracut重做initrd后重启,概率性出现重启时/boot/efi挂载失败,环境重启失败 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I89B05 |
| | Upgrade to latest release [lvm2: 2.03.21 2023/04/21 -> 2.03.22 2023/08/02] | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8A6GB |
| | Upgrade to latest release [libvirt: 6.2.0 2020/04/02 -> 9.5.0 2023/07/03] | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I7L94Q |
| | openEuler 2203-sp2 build libvirt error | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8EV9P |
| | | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I6PA84 |
| | qemu-6.2.0 内存预分配性能比 qemu-4.1.0有严重下降 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I6ZOUM |
| | Fixed CPU topology issues and add lbt support for kvm. | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I7A5FW |
| | 2203-SP2下安装虚拟机,CPU为FT-2000+,使用host-model启动虚拟机失败 | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I7AAWF |
| | Upgrade to latest release [qemu: 6.2.0 2021/12/14 -> 8.0.3 2023/07/09] | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I7L968 |
| | need EPYC-Genoa model support | | | | | | https://gitee.com/open_euler/dashboard?issue_id=I8790J |