Hello, Fred,

Can you help to look this problem, thanks.


发件人: zhangmiao [mailto:zhangmiao@iscas.ac.cn]
发送时间: 2020414 12:48
收件人: Shanshishi <shanshishi@huawei.com>
主题: Re: 你好,邮件列表订阅问题解决了吗?


您好, 我还是觉得邮件列表订阅功能的不完善,

我尝试加入dev组, 已经快一周了, 始终提示

{"title": "409 Conflict", "description": "Subscription request already pending"}




On 2020/4/3 上午11:02, Shanshishi wrote:

On Wed, Apr 1, 2020 at 11:58 AM zhangmiao via Infra <infra@openeuler.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> I tried to subscribe to a-tune mail group.
> I tried following 2 ways, but both failed.
> way 1:
> But it responds: {"title": "409 Conflict", "description":
> "Subscription request already pending"}
> way 2: send subscribe email to
> But is does not reply to me in several days
> could you help check this?
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