2022年6月14日 sig-Ceph 双周例会

与会者(gitee id):
麒麟-滕磊, 麒麟-孙立刚, 统信-杨晓亮, 统信-苟浩, 华为-冯春松(FengChunsong),华为-张峰,华为-罗日新(rosinL),华为-王增亮(wangzengliang),陆华成,wl,华为-刘秦飞(liuqinfei)

  1. 社区需求进展(all)
  1. 社区issue进展(罗日新)


  1. 待调研openEuler对于维护多ceph版本源的方法 @董贤信 @liuqinfei


Best regards,

在 2022-06-13 21:30:03,"openEuler conference" <public@openeuler.org> 写道: >您好! > >sig-ceph SIG 邀请您参加 2022-06-14 09:30 召开的Zoom会议 > >会议主题:ceph-sig双周例会 > >会议内容: >1,社区issue处理进展 >2,ceph社区动态报告 >3,性能优化特性分享 > >会议链接:https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88327381792?pwd=SDZEaW1BUCtPaEpSaXRLN1lub1BxZz09 > >会议纪要:https://etherpad.openeuler.org/p/sig-ceph-meetings > >温馨提醒:建议接入会议后修改参会人的姓名,也可以使用您在gitee.com的ID > >更多资讯尽在:https://openeuler.org/zh/ > > > > >Hello! > >openEuler sig-ceph SIG invites you to attend the Zoom conference will be held at 2022-06-14 09:30, > >The subject of the conference is ceph-sig双周例会, > >Summary: >1,社区issue处理进展 >2,ceph社区动态报告 >3,性能优化特性分享 > >You can join the meeting at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88327381792?pwd=SDZEaW1BUCtPaEpSaXRLN1lub1BxZz09. > >Add topics at https://etherpad.openeuler.org/p/sig-ceph-meetings. > >Note: You are advised to change the participant name after joining the conference or use your ID at gitee.com. > >More information: https://openeuler.org/en/ >