t2 openEuler sig-CloudNative SIG 2021-03-16 16:00 ZOOM
CloudNative SIG
1. 2.https://zoom.us/j/99563455187?pwd=d0lQTUlwN2pKOFdDS3ByaVo5RDJCQT09
openEuler sig-CloudNative SIG invites you to attend the ZOOM conference will be held at 2021-03-16 16:00,
The subject of the conference is CloudNative SIG,
Summary: 1. 2.You can join the meeting at https://zoom.us/j/99563455187?pwd=d0lQTUlwN2pKOFdDS3ByaVo5RDJCQT09.
Note: You are advised to change the participant name after joining the conference or use your ID at gitee.com.