Hi Marketing,
Please find the information below.
- group name (SIG name): Community Governance - chair: Fred Li
- BIO of the chair: Head of openEuler Secretariat
- Brief introduction to the meeting: openEuler community is quite new as an open source community, and there must be much to improve from process point of view. This meeting will discuss the following topics: 1. Brief summary about what processes are availabel 2. Collecting the missing processes 3. Prioritize the tasks in the cycle of 20.09
- group name (SIG name): 社区治理 - chair: 李永乐 - BIO of the chair: openEuler社区秘书处负责人
- Brief introduction to the meeting: openEuler社区作为一个年轻的开源社区,在流程上还有很多需要完善的地方。本次会议主要介绍如下内容: 1. 简要总结openEuler社区已经具备的流程 2. 收集大家对业务流程的需求 3. 规划20.09这个版本周期内要完善的流程