Hi all,


As you may have noticed that openEuler blog [1] has been in trial phase for 2 weeks, and now we are thinking of launch it formally. Now there are still several pending tasks to finish, and I would like to ask you to take a final look on this.


1.      Guidance to post a blog [2] is pending for reviewing

2.      3 changes [3] are pending for reviewing

3.      Legal notice [4] is to be added and @zhengyuhanghans is working on it.

4.      To add the link to openEuler portal [5] will be the final step.


Please leave your comments on the PR or Issues and we will finish the final steps. Thank you in advance.



[1] blog.openeuler.org

[2] https://gitee.com/openeuler/blog/pulls/11

[3] https://gitee.com/openeuler/blog/pulls/11

[4] https://gitee.com/openeuler/blog/issues/I1AOFP?from=project-issue

[5] https://gitee.com/openeuler/website/pulls/64



Fred 李永乐