According to API to refactor sched class.
Extract find_job_boot function from to
Extract find_next_job_boot function from to
Signed-off-by: Cao Xueliang <caoxl78320(a)>
src/lib/ | 237 +---------------------------
src/scheduler/ | 221 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
src/scheduler/ | 14 ++
3 files changed, 238 insertions(+), 234 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 src/scheduler/
create mode 100644 src/scheduler/
diff --git a/src/lib/ b/src/lib/
index a4b12b4..6ecd95d 100644
--- a/src/lib/
+++ b/src/lib/
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ require "../scheduler/jobfile_operate"
require "../scheduler/redis_client"
require "../scheduler/elasticsearch_client"
+require "../scheduler/find_job_boot"
+require "../scheduler/find_next_job_boot"
class Sched
property es
property redis
@@ -323,230 +326,6 @@ class Sched
- private def ipxe_msg(msg)
- "#!ipxe
- echo ...
- echo #{msg}
- echo ...
- reboot"
- end
- private def grub_msg(msg)
- "#!grub
- echo ...
- echo #{msg}
- echo ...
- reboot"
- end
- private def get_boot_container(job : Job)
- response = Hash(String, String).new
- response["docker_image"] = "#{job.docker_image}"
- response["lkp"] = "http://#{INITRD_HTTP_HOST}:#{INITRD_HTTP_PORT}" +
- JobHelper.service_path("#{SRV_INITRD}/lkp/#{job.lkp_initrd_user}/lkp-#{job.arch}.cgz")
- response["job"] = "http://#{SCHED_HOST}:#{SCHED_PORT}/job_initrd_tmpfs/#{}/job.cgz"
- return response.to_json
- end
- private def get_boot_grub(job : Job)
- initrd_lkp_cgz = "lkp-#{job.os_arch}.cgz"
- response = "#!grub\n\n"
- response += "linux (http,#{OS_HTTP_HOST}:#{OS_HTTP_PORT})"
- response += "#{JobHelper.service_path("#{SRV_OS}/#{job.os_dir}/vmlinuz")} user=lkp"
- response += " job=/lkp/scheduled/job.yaml RESULT_ROOT=/result/job"
- response += " rootovl ip=dhcp ro root=#{job.kernel_append_root}\n"
- response += "initrd (http,#{OS_HTTP_HOST}:#{OS_HTTP_PORT})"
- response += JobHelper.service_path("#{SRV_OS}/#{job.os_dir}/initrd.lkp")
- response += " (http,#{INITRD_HTTP_HOST}:#{INITRD_HTTP_PORT})"
- response += JobHelper.service_path("#{SRV_INITRD}/lkp/#{job.lkp_initrd_user}/#{initrd_lkp_cgz}")
- response += " (http,#{SCHED_HOST}:#{SCHED_PORT})/job_initrd_tmpfs/"
- response += "#{}/job.cgz\n"
- response += "boot\n"
- return response
- end
- def touch_access_key_file(job : Job)
- FileUtils.touch(job.access_key_file)
- end
- def boot_content(job : Job | Nil, boot_type : String)
- touch_access_key_file(job) if job
- case boot_type
- when "ipxe"
- return job ? get_boot_ipxe(job) : ipxe_msg("No job now")
- when "grub"
- return job ? get_boot_grub(job) : grub_msg("No job now")
- when "container"
- return job ? get_boot_container(job) : Hash(String, String).new.to_json
- else
- raise "Not defined boot type #{boot_type}"
- end
- end
- def rand_queues(queues)
- return queues if queues.empty?
- queues_size = queues.size
- base = Random.rand(queues_size)
- temp_queues = [] of String
- (0..queues_size - 1).each do |index|
- temp_queues << queues[(index + base) % queues_size]
- end
- return temp_queues
- end
- def get_queues(host)
- queues = [] of String
- queues_str = @redis.hash_get("sched/host2queues", host)
- return queues unless queues_str
- queues_str.split(',', remove_empty: true) do |item|
- queues << item.strip
- end
- return rand_queues(queues)
- end
- def get_job_from_queues(queues, testbox)
- job = nil
- queues.each do |queue|
- job = prepare_job("sched/#{queue}", testbox)
- return job if job
- end
- return job
- end
- def get_job_boot(host, boot_type)
- queues = get_queues(host)
- job = get_job_from_queues(queues, host)
- if job
- Jobfile::Operate.create_job_cpio(job.dump_to_json_any, Kemal.config.public_folder)
- end
- return boot_content(job, boot_type)
- end
- # auto submit a job to collect the host information
- # grub hostname is link with ":", like "00:01:02:03:04:05"
- # remind: if like with "-", last "-05" is treated as host number
- # then hostname will be "sut-00-01-02-03-04" !!!
- def submit_host_info_job(mac)
- host = "sut-#{mac}"
- set_host_mac(mac, host)
- Jobfile::Operate.auto_submit_job(
- "#{ENV["LKP_SRC"]}/jobs/host-info.yaml",
- "testbox: #{host}")
- end
- def find_job_boot(env : HTTP::Server::Context)
- value = env.params.url["value"]
- boot_type = env.params.url["boot_type"]
- case boot_type
- when "ipxe"
- host = @redis.hash_get("sched/mac2host", normalize_mac(value))
- when "grub"
- host = @redis.hash_get("sched/mac2host", normalize_mac(value))
- submit_host_info_job(value) unless host
- when "container"
- host = value
- end
- get_job_boot(host, boot_type)
- end
- def find_next_job_boot(env)
- hostname = env.params.query["hostname"]?
- mac = env.params.query["mac"]?
- if !hostname && mac
- hostname = @redis.hash_get("sched/mac2host", normalize_mac(mac))
- end
- get_job_boot(hostname, "ipxe")
- end
- def get_testbox_boot_content(testbox, boot_type)
- job = find_job(testbox) if testbox
- Jobfile::Operate.create_job_cpio(job.dump_to_json_any,
- Kemal.config.public_folder) if job
- return boot_content(job, boot_type)
- end
- private def find_job(testbox : String, count = 1)
- tbox_group = JobHelper.match_tbox_group(testbox)
- tbox = tbox_group.partition("--")[0]
- queue_list = query_consumable_keys(tbox)
- boxes = ["sched/" + testbox,
- "sched/" + tbox_group,
- "sched/" + tbox,
- "sched/" + tbox_group + "/idle"]
- boxes.each do |box|
- next if == 0
- count.times do
- job = prepare_job(box, testbox)
- return job if job
- sleep(1) unless count == 1
- end
- end
- # when find no job, auto submit idle job at background
- spawn { auto_submit_idle_job(tbox_group) }
- return nil
- end
- private def prepare_job(queue_name, testbox)
- response = @task_queue.consume_task(queue_name)
- job_id = JSON.parse(response[1].to_json)["id"] if response[0] == 200
- job = nil
- if job_id
- begin
- job = @es.get_job(job_id.to_s)
- rescue ex
- puts "Invalid job (id=#{job_id}) in es. Info: #{ex}"
- puts ex.inspect_with_backtrace
- end
- end
- if job
- job.update({"testbox" => testbox})
- job.set_result_root
- puts %({"job_id": "#{job_id}", "result_root": "/srv#{job.result_root}", "job_state": "set result root"})
- @redis.set_job(job)
- end
- return job
- end
- private def get_idle_job(tbox_group, testbox)
- job = prepare_job("sched/#{tbox_group}/idle", testbox)
- # if there has no idle job, auto submit and get 1
- if job.nil?
- auto_submit_idle_job(tbox_group)
- job = prepare_job("sched/#{tbox_group}/idle", testbox)
- end
- return job
- end
def auto_submit_idle_job(tbox_group)
full_path_patterns = "#{ENV["CCI_REPOS"]}/lab-#{ENV["lab"]}/allot/idle/#{tbox_group}/*.yaml"
extra_job_fields = [
@@ -561,16 +340,6 @@ class Sched
extra_job_fields) if Dir.glob(full_path_patterns).size > 0
- private def get_boot_ipxe(job : Job)
- response = "#!ipxe\n\n"
- response += job.initrds_uri
- response += job.kernel_uri
- response += job.kernel_params
- response += "\nboot\n"
- return response
- end
def update_job_parameter(env : HTTP::Server::Context)
job_id = env.params.query["job_id"]?
if !job_id
diff --git a/src/scheduler/ b/src/scheduler/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f08288
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/scheduler/
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: MulanPSL-2.0+
+# Copyright (c) 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
+class Sched
+ def find_job_boot(env : HTTP::Server::Context)
+ value = env.params.url["value"]
+ boot_type = env.params.url["boot_type"]
+ case boot_type
+ when "ipxe"
+ host = @redis.hash_get("sched/mac2host", normalize_mac(value))
+ when "grub"
+ host = @redis.hash_get("sched/mac2host", normalize_mac(value))
+ submit_host_info_job(value) unless host
+ when "container"
+ host = value
+ end
+ get_job_boot(host, boot_type)
+ end
+ # auto submit a job to collect the host information
+ # grub hostname is link with ":", like "00:01:02:03:04:05"
+ # remind: if like with "-", last "-05" is treated as host number
+ # then hostname will be "sut-00-01-02-03-04" !!!
+ def submit_host_info_job(mac)
+ host = "sut-#{mac}"
+ set_host_mac(mac, host)
+ Jobfile::Operate.auto_submit_job(
+ "#{ENV["LKP_SRC"]}/jobs/host-info.yaml",
+ "testbox: #{host}")
+ end
+ def rand_queues(queues)
+ return queues if queues.empty?
+ queues_size = queues.size
+ base = Random.rand(queues_size)
+ temp_queues = [] of String
+ (0..queues_size - 1).each do |index|
+ temp_queues << queues[(index + base) % queues_size]
+ end
+ return temp_queues
+ end
+ def get_queues(host)
+ queues = [] of String
+ queues_str = @redis.hash_get("sched/host2queues", host)
+ return queues unless queues_str
+ queues_str.split(',', remove_empty: true) do |item|
+ queues << item.strip
+ end
+ return rand_queues(queues)
+ end
+ def get_job_from_queues(queues, testbox)
+ job = nil
+ queues.each do |queue|
+ job = prepare_job("sched/#{queue}", testbox)
+ return job if job
+ end
+ return job
+ end
+ def get_job_boot(host, boot_type)
+ queues = get_queues(host)
+ job = get_job_from_queues(queues, host)
+ if job
+ Jobfile::Operate.create_job_cpio(job.dump_to_json_any, Kemal.config.public_folder)
+ end
+ return boot_content(job, boot_type)
+ end
+ private def ipxe_msg(msg)
+ "#!ipxe
+ echo ...
+ echo #{msg}
+ echo ...
+ reboot"
+ end
+ private def grub_msg(msg)
+ "#!grub
+ echo ...
+ echo #{msg}
+ echo ...
+ reboot"
+ end
+ private def get_boot_container(job : Job)
+ response = Hash(String, String).new
+ response["docker_image"] = "#{job.docker_image}"
+ response["lkp"] = "http://#{INITRD_HTTP_HOST}:#{INITRD_HTTP_PORT}" +
+ JobHelper.service_path("#{SRV_INITRD}/lkp/#{job.lkp_initrd_user}/lkp-#{job.arch}.cgz")
+ response["job"] = "http://#{SCHED_HOST}:#{SCHED_PORT}/job_initrd_tmpfs/#{}/job.cgz"
+ return response.to_json
+ end
+ private def get_boot_grub(job : Job)
+ initrd_lkp_cgz = "lkp-#{job.os_arch}.cgz"
+ response = "#!grub\n\n"
+ response += "linux (http,#{OS_HTTP_HOST}:#{OS_HTTP_PORT})"
+ response += "#{JobHelper.service_path("#{SRV_OS}/#{job.os_dir}/vmlinuz")} user=lkp"
+ response += " job=/lkp/scheduled/job.yaml RESULT_ROOT=/result/job"
+ response += " rootovl ip=dhcp ro root=#{job.kernel_append_root}\n"
+ response += "initrd (http,#{OS_HTTP_HOST}:#{OS_HTTP_PORT})"
+ response += JobHelper.service_path("#{SRV_OS}/#{job.os_dir}/initrd.lkp")
+ response += " (http,#{INITRD_HTTP_HOST}:#{INITRD_HTTP_PORT})"
+ response += JobHelper.service_path("#{SRV_INITRD}/lkp/#{job.lkp_initrd_user}/#{initrd_lkp_cgz}")
+ response += " (http,#{SCHED_HOST}:#{SCHED_PORT})/job_initrd_tmpfs/"
+ response += "#{}/job.cgz\n"
+ response += "boot\n"
+ return response
+ end
+ def touch_access_key_file(job : Job)
+ FileUtils.touch(job.access_key_file)
+ end
+ private def get_boot_ipxe(job : Job)
+ response = "#!ipxe\n\n"
+ response += job.initrds_uri
+ response += job.kernel_uri
+ response += job.kernel_params
+ response += "\nboot\n"
+ return response
+ end
+ def boot_content(job : Job | Nil, boot_type : String)
+ touch_access_key_file(job) if job
+ case boot_type
+ when "ipxe"
+ return job ? get_boot_ipxe(job) : ipxe_msg("No job now")
+ when "grub"
+ return job ? get_boot_grub(job) : grub_msg("No job now")
+ when "container"
+ return job ? get_boot_container(job) : Hash(String, String).new.to_json
+ else
+ raise "Not defined boot type #{boot_type}"
+ end
+ end
+ private def find_job(testbox : String, count = 1)
+ tbox_group = JobHelper.match_tbox_group(testbox)
+ tbox = tbox_group.partition("--")[0]
+ queue_list = query_consumable_keys(tbox)
+ boxes = ["sched/" + testbox,
+ "sched/" + tbox_group,
+ "sched/" + tbox,
+ "sched/" + tbox_group + "/idle"]
+ boxes.each do |box|
+ next if == 0
+ count.times do
+ job = prepare_job(box, testbox)
+ return job if job
+ sleep(1) unless count == 1
+ end
+ end
+ # when find no job, auto submit idle job at background
+ spawn { auto_submit_idle_job(tbox_group) }
+ return nil
+ end
+ private def prepare_job(queue_name, testbox)
+ response = @task_queue.consume_task(queue_name)
+ job_id = JSON.parse(response[1].to_json)["id"] if response[0] == 200
+ job = nil
+ if job_id
+ begin
+ job = @es.get_job(job_id.to_s)
+ rescue ex
+ puts "Invalid job (id=#{job_id}) in es. Info: #{ex}"
+ puts ex.inspect_with_backtrace
+ end
+ end
+ if job
+ job.update({"testbox" => testbox})
+ job.set_result_root
+ puts %({"job_id": "#{job_id}", "result_root": "/srv#{job.result_root}", "job_state": "set result root"})
+ @redis.set_job(job)
+ end
+ return job
+ end
+ private def get_idle_job(tbox_group, testbox)
+ job = prepare_job("sched/#{tbox_group}/idle", testbox)
+ # if there has no idle job, auto submit and get 1
+ if job.nil?
+ auto_submit_idle_job(tbox_group)
+ job = prepare_job("sched/#{tbox_group}/idle", testbox)
+ end
+ return job
+ end
diff --git a/src/scheduler/ b/src/scheduler/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..807a9ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/scheduler/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: MulanPSL-2.0+
+# Copyright (c) 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
+class Sched
+ def find_next_job_boot(env)
+ hostname = env.params.query["hostname"]?
+ mac = env.params.query["mac"]?
+ if !hostname && mac
+ hostname = @redis.hash_get("sched/mac2host", normalize_mac(mac))
+ end
+ get_job_boot(hostname, "ipxe")
+ end