nodes need communicate with each other when running cluster jobs. after adding 2 fileds,
'direct_ips' and 'direct_macs', can bind ips to macs.
'macs' get from cluster file ('$LKP_SRC/cluster/*'),
'ips' set by scheduler default: 192.168.222.<1..250>
Now use 192.168.222.<1..250> to test,
In future, use DHCP sever interface to get direct_ips.
Signed-off-by: Ren Wen <15991987063(a)163.com>
src/lib/sched.cr | 30 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/src/lib/sched.cr b/src/lib/sched.cr
index 7215df5..d669c50 100644
--- a/src/lib/sched.cr
+++ b/src/lib/sched.cr
@@ -147,6 +147,25 @@ class Sched
return YAML.parse(File.read(cluster_file_path)).as_h
+ # a private-ip pools, each return 10 ips
+ private def get_private_ips
+ # ip = net_id + host_id
+ # host_id : 1..250
+ # will divide into 10 groups used by maximum 10 cluster jobs
+ host_ids = [] of Int32
+ 25.times do |i|
+ host_ids << i * 10 + 1
+ end # [1, 11, ..., 241]
+ net_id = "192.168.222"
+ index = @redis.get_seqno % 25
+ host_id = host_ids[index]
+ ips = [] of String
+ 10.times do |i|
+ ips << "#{net_id}.#{host_id + i}"
+ end
+ ips
+ end
def get_commit_date(job)
if (job["upstream_repo"] != "") && (job["upstream_commit"] != "")
data = JSON.parse(%({"git_repo": "#{job["upstream_repo"]}.git",
@@ -198,6 +217,9 @@ class Sched
# collect all job ids
job_ids = [] of String
+ # an array consists of 10 ips
+ ips = get_private_ips
# steps for each host
cluster_config.each do |host, config|
tbox_group = host.to_s
@@ -219,7 +241,13 @@ class Sched
job["testbox"] = tbox_group
job["node_roles"] = config["roles"].as_a.join(" ")
- job["node_macs"] = config["macs"].as_a.join(" ")
+ direct_macs = config["macs"].as_a
+ direct_ips = [] of String
+ direct_macs.size.times do
+ direct_ips << ips.pop {raise "more than 10 macs"}
+ end
+ job["direct_macs"] = direct_macs.join(" ")
+ job["direct_ips"] = direct_ips.join(" ")
response = add_job(job, job_id)
message = (response["error"]? ? response["error"]["root_cause"] : "")