On Wed, Oct 21, 2020 at 08:06:53PM +0800, Ren Wen wrote:
[Why] Nodes need to communicate with each other when testing cluster jobs. After adding 2 fileds: 'direct_macs' and 'direct_ips', can bind ips to macs.
[HowTo] When you test a cluster job, need to config cluster file correctly. Below is the template:
<hostname>: roles: [ <"server">, ... ] macs: [ <mac>, ... ] ips: [ <ip>, ... ] <hostname>: roles: [ <"client">, ... ] macs: [ <mac>, ... ] ips: [ <ip>, ... ]
For 'ips': 1) should be the intranet IP
Does the ips is come from 'ifconfig'? when our physical machine restart the intranet IP maybe randsom allocation? so should we may consider to bind a fixed ip for physical machine.
Thanks, Zhangyu
2) all ips in cluster file should be in the same network segment 3) subnet mask is 24.
[InFuture] Set default ips when there's no ips in cluster file or only one host has ips.