-require "#{ENV['CCI_SRC']}/lib/mail-post" +REDIS_HOST = %x(/sbin/ip route | awk '/default/ {print $3}').chomp
Why you don't get the REDIS_HOST from ENV like getting REDIS_PORT?
because in the the container, the redis host is 172.x.x.x,
But if the redis and send-internel-mail container are not in the same host machine, how can you request redis use 172.x?
if they are in the same group, they will have the save docker ips.
Thanks, Luan Shengde
Thanks, Xueliang
Thanks, Luan Shengde
Thanks, Xueliang
+require_relative '../../lib/mail-post'
smtp = { address: 'smtp.qq.com', -- 2.23.0