Make sure it is truely submitted with your email.
Can you give the email and commit in the end message?
Make sure the commit exists.
Make sure it is truely submitted with your email.
Go to the commit history and find your commit.
Enter the commit and you will get your commit url.
Choose a commit that was submitted with your own email and try again.
- when 'NO_COMMIT_ID'
- err_message = <<~EMAIL_MESSAGE
There is no such commit ID in the repo.
Try again after you have correctted the url
Please check the commit ID exists.
You have write the commit ID correctly.
Can you give the commit ID and repo in the end message?
no need to add it, if user want to see it, just see the 'apply account' email he/she sent.
Thanks, Luan Shengde
Thanks, Xueliang
when 'NO_PUBKEY' err_message = <<~EMAIL_MESSAGE -- 2.23.0