+post '/send_mail_yaml' do
- data = YAML.safe_load request.body.read
- raise TypeError, data, 'request data type error' unless data.class.eql? Hash
data, parsed from json/yaml string,
unless data.class.eql? Hash can change to date.is_a?(Hash)?
Thanks, Shenwei
it's type is hash.
- mail_info = {
- 'references' => data['references'],
- 'subject' => data['subject'],
- 'to' => data['to'],
- 'body' => data['body']
- }
- check_send_mail(mail_info)
+post '/send_mail_text' do
i feel post '/send_mail_yaml' and post '/send_mail_text' high similarity, can't merge it?
They are different data format, send_mail_yaml: hash send_mail_text: mail_file_content
I merged yaml/json if merge send_mail_yaml/send_mail_text it will need much judgement and make it complex.
- data = Mail.read_from_string(request.body.read)
- mail_info = {
- 'references' => data.references,
- 'subject' => data.subject,
- 'to' => data.to,
- 'body' => data.body.decoded
- }
- check_send_mail(mail_info)
+def check_send_mail(mail_info)
- mail_info['from'] = ENV['ROBOT_EMAIL_ADDRESS']
- raise 'no subject.' if mail_info['subject'].nil?
- raise 'no email address.' if mail_info['to'].nil?
- raise 'no email content.' if mail_info['body'].nil?
- send_mail(mail_info)
hwo about check_send_mail return true or false
if check_send_mail; then send_mail fi
when there is nil value for subject/to/body, I need to raise error, If use return true/false, I will get nothing form the log
based on the inspiration you suggested, maybe def send_mail(mail_info) check_send_mail(mail_info) mail = ... is a good choice.
Thanks Luan Shengde
Thanks, Shenwei
+def send_mail(mail_info)
- mail = Mail.new do
- references mail_info['references']
- from mail_info['from']
- subject mail_info['subject']
- to mail_info['to']
- body mail_info['body']
- end
- mail.deliver!