+# register hostname mac queues +# request scheduler +class Consumer < Base
- attr_reader :info
- def initialize(hostname, queues)
- @info = {}
- @info['hostname'] = hostname
- @info['queues'] = queues
@info = { 'hostname' => hostname, 'queues' => queues }
- end
- def close
- del_host_info
- end
this function is useless, directly invoke del_host_info if enough
- def request_job
- get_mac_from_hostname(@info['hostname'])
you invoked the get_mac_from_hostname only here, if you use values of @info, donot need to add the parameter in () just use @info['hostname'] in the function
- config_scheduler
- set_host_info
- host_exists
- url = "http://#%7B@sched_host%7D:#%7B@sched_port%7D/boot.libvirt/mac/#%7B@info%5B%2..."
- @logger.info("Request URL: #{url}")
- res = %x(curl #{url})
- if res.empty?
@logger.error('Can not connect scheduler')
raise 'Can not connect scheduler'
- end
- JSON.parse(res)
- end
- private
- def config_scheduler
- names = Set.new %w[
- ]
- defaults = relevant_defaults(names)
- @sched_host = defaults['SCHED_HOST'] || ''
- @sched_port = defaults['SCHED_PORT'] || 3000
- @logger.info("SCHED_HOST: #{@sched_host}")
- @logger.info("SCHED_PORT: #{@sched_port}")
- end
I think you can set the 'names =' and 'defaults =' out of the class and set two constant
puts @sched_host and @sched_port to initialize part
- def get_mac_from_hostname(hostname)
- cmd = %(echo #{hostname} | md5sum | sed "s/^\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\).*$/0a-\1-\2-\3-\4-\5/")
- @info['mac'] = %x(#{cmd}).chomp
- @logger.info("Mac address: #{@info['mac']}")
- end
- def set_host_info
- system "curl -X PUT \
- system "curl -X PUT \
better avoid use command if possible. you can reference github.com/rest-client/rest-client for some help
- end
- def del_host_info
- system "curl -X PUT 'http://#%7B@sched_host%7D:#%7B@sched_port%7D/del_host_mac?mac=#%7B@info%5B%2...'"
- system "curl -X PUT 'http://#%7B@sched_host%7D:#%7B@sched_port%7D/del_host2queues?host=#%7B@info%...'"
- end
- def host_exists
- @info['host'] = @info['hostname'].split('.')[0]
if @info['host'] is only used here, use 'host = ' is better.
Thanks, Luan Shengde
- host_file = "#{ENV['LKP_SRC']}/hosts/#{@info['host']}"
- return if FileTest.exists?(host_file)
- @logger.error("The file does't exist: #{host_file}")
- raise "The file does't exist: #{host_file}"
- end