unless mail_content_line.match?(%r{my oss commit:\s*https?://[^/]*/[^/]*/[^/]*/commit/[\w\d]{40}})
error_message = "No matched commit url found.\n"
error_message += 'Ensure that you have add a right commit url, '
error_message += "and with prefix 'my oss commit:'."
raise error_message
raise 'NO_COMMIT_URL' unless mail_content_line.match?(%r{https?://[^/]*/[^/]*/[^/]*/commit/[\w\d]{40}})
raise 'URL_PREFIX_ERR' unless mail_content_line.match?(%r{my oss commit:\s*https?://})
I think you should raise 'URL_PREFIX_ERR' at first.
they are the same, I will move it forward.
Thanks, Luan Shengde
Thanks, Xueliang
end mail_content_line.match(%r{https?://[^/]*/[^/]*/[^/]*/commit/[\w\d]{40}})[0]
@@ -88,16 +87,13 @@ class ParseApplyAccountEmail
return unless match_out.empty?
- error_message = "The repo url for your commit is not in our upstream-repo list.\n"
- error_message += 'Use a new one, or consulting the manager for available repo list.'
- raise error_message
raise 'NOT_REGISTERED' end
def commit_url_availability(url, base_url) hub_name = url.split('/')[2]
- # it requires authentication when execute curl to get the commit information
- # it requires authentication when sending request to get the commit information # clone the repo and then validate the commit for the email address if hub_name.eql? 'gitee.com' gitee_commit(url, base_url)
@@ -112,24 +108,18 @@ class ParseApplyAccountEmail end
def non_gitee_commit(url)
- url_fdback = %x(curl #{url})
url_fdback = RestClient.get(url).body email_index = url_fdback.index @my_info['my_email']
return unless email_index.nil?
- error_message = "We can not confirm the commit url matches your email.\n"
- error_message += 'Make sure that the commit url is right,'
- error_message += ' or it is truely submitted with you email.'
- raise error_message
def parse_pub_key
error_message = "No pub_key found.\n"
error_message += 'Please add a pub_key as an attachment to your email.'
raise error_message if @mail_content.attachments.empty?
raise error_message unless @mail_content.attachments[0].filename =~ /^id_.*.pub$/
raise 'NO_PUBKEY' if @mail_content.attachments.empty?
raise 'PUBKEY_NAME_ERR' unless @mail_content.attachments[0].filename =~ /^id_.*.pub$/
pub_key = @mail_content.attachments[0].body.decoded
-- 2.23.0