On Mon, Nov 16, 2020 at 06:42:22PM +0800, Cao Xueliang wrote:
On Mon, Nov 16, 2020 at 03:59:07PM +0800, Luan Shengde wrote:
[why] enable one click login testbox from jumper server
[how] add add -g|--gen-sshkey option to enable generate private/public key on jumper server register the public key to es
Signed-off-by: Luan Shengde shdluan@163.com
container/assign-account/answerback-email.rb | 80 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 38 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)
diff --git a/container/assign-account/answerback-email.rb b/container/assign-account/answerback-email.rb index 686a327..1eb2a10 100755 --- a/container/assign-account/answerback-email.rb +++ b/container/assign-account/answerback-email.rb @@ -7,12 +7,22 @@ # samba mount # ssh logshn (huawei, ) (install pubkey / send password)
+# entry point1: external user: email apply => mail robot +# entry point2: ./answerback-email: cli apply +# => params +# => REST api (params different) +# => robot email notify +# user_type: +# apply_from: mail/cli +# allow_login:
Are they todo in future?
You should add "# todo" above them or delete them.
Yes, I will fix it
Thanks, Luan Shengde
Thanks, Xueliang
require 'json' require 'mail' require 'set' require 'optparse' require_relative '../defconfig' require_relative '../../lib/es_client' +require_relative 'build-send-account-email'
names = Set.new %w[ JUMPER_HOST @@ -31,41 +41,46 @@ SEND_MAIL_PORT = defaults['SEND_MAIL_PORT'] || 49000 my_info = { 'my_email' => nil, 'my_name' => nil,
- 'my_commit_url' => nil, 'my_uuid' => %x(uuidgen).chomp,
- 'my_ssh_pubkey' => nil
- 'my_ssh_pubkey' => [],
- 'gen_sshkey' => false
-def init_info(email_file, my_info)
- mail_content = Mail.read(email_file)
+def init_info(mail_content, my_info) my_info['my_email'] = mail_content.from[0] my_info['my_name'] = mail_content.From.unparsed_value.gsub(/ <[^<>]*>/, '')
- my_info['my_ssh_pubkey'] = if mail_content.part[1].filename == 'id_rsa.pub'
- return if mail_content.attachments.empty?
- my_info['my_ssh_pubkey'] << mail_content.attachments[0].body.decoded
options = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = 'Usage: answerback-mail.rb [-e|--email email] '
- opts.banner += "[-s|--ssh-pubkey pub_key_file] [-f|--raw-email email_file]\n"
- opts.banner += "[-s|--ssh-pubkey pub_key_file] [-f|--raw-email email_file] [-g|--gen-sshkey]\n" opts.banner += " -e or -f is required\n"
- opts.banner += ' -s is optional when use -e'
opts.banner += " -s is optional when use -e\n"
opts.banner += ' -g is optional, used to generate sshkey for user'
opts.separator '' opts.separator 'options:'
opts.on('-e email_address', '--email email_address', 'appoint email address') do |email_address| my_info['my_email'] = email_address
# when apply account with email address, will get no user name
my_info['my_name'] = '' end
opts.on('-s pub_key_file', '--ssh-pubkey pub_key_file', \ 'ssh pub_key file, enable password-less login') do |pub_key_file|
my_info['my_ssh_pubkey'] = File.read(pub_key_file)
my_info['my_ssh_pubkey'] << File.read(pub_key_file).chomp end
opts.on('-f email_file', '--raw-email email_file', 'email file') do |email_file|
- init_info(email_file, my_info)
mail_content = Mail.read(email_file)
init_info(mail_content, my_info)
opts.on('-g', '--gen-sshkey', 'generate jumper ras public/private key and return pubkey') do
my_info['gen_sshkey'] = true end
opts.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'show this message') do
@@ -76,32 +91,6 @@ end
-def build_message(email, account_info)
- message = <<~EMAIL_MESSAGE
- To: #{email}
- Subject: [compass-ci] jumper account is ready
- Dear user:
Thank you for joining us.
You can use the following command to login the jumper server:
Login command:
ssh -p #{account_info['jumper_port']} #{account_info['my_login_name']}@#{account_info['jumper_host']}
Account password:
If you use the password to login, change it in time.
- regards
- compass-ci
- return message
def apply_account(my_info) account_info_str = %x(curl -XGET '#{JUMPER_HOST}:#{JUMPER_PORT}/assign_account' -d '#{my_info.to_json}') JSON.parse account_info_str @@ -114,12 +103,19 @@ def send_account(my_info) raise message if my_info['my_email'].nil?
account_info = apply_account(my_info)
- # for manually assign account, there will be no my_commit_url
- # but the key my_commit_url is required for es
- my_info['my_commit_url'] = '' my_info['my_login_name'] = account_info['my_login_name']
- my_info.delete 'my_ssh_pubkey'
- unless account_info['my_jumper_pubkey'].nil?
- my_info['my_ssh_pubkey'] << account_info['my_jumper_pubkey'].chomp
- end
- my_info.delete 'gen_sshkey' store_account_info(my_info)
- send_mail(my_info, account_info)
+def send_mail(my_info, account_info) message = build_message(my_info['my_email'], account_info)
%x(curl -XPOST '#{SEND_MAIL_HOST}:#{SEND_MAIL_PORT}/send_mail_text' -d "#{message}")