please ignore this patch.
On Thu, Apr 01, 2021 at 11:17:15AM +0800, Liu Shaofei wrote:
[output] catch errors will be like this: { "": [ 1 ], "openeuler_docker.yum.error.Unable-to-find-a-match.php-mysql": [ 1 ], "openeuler_docker.yum.error.Unable-to-find-a-match.php-mysql.message": [ "Error: Unable to find a match php-mysql" ], "": [ 1 ], "openeuler_docker.yum.error.Unable-to-find-a-match.netsniff-ng": [ 1 ], "openeuler_docker.yum.error.Unable-to-find-a-match.netsniff-ng.message": [ "Error: Unable to find a match netsniff-ng" ], "openeuler_docker.yum.error.Unable-to-find-a-match.rpm-ostree": [ 1 ], }
Signed-off-by: Liu Shaofei
stats/openeuler_docker.rb | 103 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 103 insertions(+) create mode 100755 stats/openeuler_docker.rb
diff --git a/stats/openeuler_docker.rb b/stats/openeuler_docker.rb new file mode 100755 index 000000000..5a9365938 --- /dev/null +++ b/stats/openeuler_docker.rb @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+def pre_handel(result, file_path)
- status = false
- repo_set = Set[]
- sys_set = Set[]
- File.readlines(file_path).each do |line|
- case line.chomp!
- # Error: Unable to find a match: docker-registry mock xx
- when /Error: Unable to find a match: (.+)/
$1.split.each do |repo|
repo_set << repo
- # RUN yum -y swap -- remove fakesystemd -- install systemd systemd-libs
- # yum swap: error: unrecognized arguments: install systemd systemd-libs
- when /yum swap: error: .*: install (.+)/
$1.split.each do |sys|
sys_set << sys
- # curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
- # error: skipping - transfer failed
- when /.*error: .* (https.*)/
result['requested-URL-returned.error'] = [1]
result['requested-URL-returned.error.message'] = [line.to_s]
status = true
- # Error: Unknown repo: 'powertools'
- when /Error: Unknown repo: (.+)/
repo = $1.delete!("'")
result["unknown-repo.#{repo}"] = [1]
result["unknown-repo.#{repo}.message"] = [line.to_s]
status = true
- # Error: Module or Group 'convert' does not exist.
- when /Error: Module or Group ('[^\s]+')/
repo = $1.delete!("'")
result["error.not-exist-module-or-group.#{repo}"] = [1]
result["error.not-exist-module-or-group.#{repo}.message"] = [line.to_s]
status = true
- # /bin/sh: passwd: command not found
- when //bin/sh: (.+): command not found/
result["sh.command-not-found.#{$1}"] = [1]
result["sh.command-not-found.#{$1}.message"] = [line.to_s]
status = true
- end
- repo_set.each do |repo|
result["yum.error.Unable-to-find-a-match.#{repo}"] = [1]
result["yum.error.Unable-to-find-a-match.#{repo}.message"] = ["Error: Unable to find a match #{repo}"]
status = true
- end
- sys_set.each do |sys|
result["yum.swap.error.unrecognized-arguments-install.#{sys}"] = [1]
result["yum.swap.error.unrecognized-arguments.#{sys}.message"] =
["yum swap: error: unrecognized arguments install #{sys}"]
status = true
- end
- end
- status
+def handle_unknown_error(_result, file_path)
- line_num = %x(cat #{file_path} | grep -n 'Step ' | tail -1 | awk -F: '{print $1}')
- index = 1
- message = ''
- File.readlines(file_path).each do |line|
- if index == Integer(line_num)
message += line
- else
index += 1
- end
- end
- message = $1 if message =~ %r(\u001b[91m(.+))
- message
+def openeuler_docker(log_lines)
- result = { |hash, key| hash[key] = [] }
- log_lines.each do |line|
- next unless line =~ %r(([^\s]+).(build|run).fail)
- key, value = line.split(':')
- key.chomp!
- result[key] << value.to_i
- file_path = "#{RESULT_ROOT}/#{$1}" # $1 named by docker-image name
- next unless File.exist?(file_path)
- next if pre_handel(result, file_path)
- result["#{key}.message"] << handle_unknown_error(result, file_path)
- end
- result