On Thu, Aug 20, 2020 at 08:29:55PM +0800, Zhang Yu wrote:
Signed-off-by: Zhang Yu zhangyu424@huawei.com +RUN apk add --no-cache rsync openssh \
- && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* \
- && adduser lkp -u 1090 -g 1090 -D
in sparrow/1-storage/permission, already add permission chown lkp:lkp /srv/result no need to adduser in Dockerfile.
+docker_rm rsync_server +cmd=(
- docker run
- -id
-i no need.
--restart=always ^ if container needs to start always, add --restart=always.
- --name=rsync_server
- -v /srv/result:/result
^ is /srv/result?
Thanks, Yinsi