jtreg is the test harness used by the JDK test framework. This framework is intended primarily for regression tests. It can also be used for unit tests, functional tests, and even simple product tests.
It is the latest version without CVE.
We have set up a repo request[1] in openEuler.
[1] https://gitee.com/openeuler/community/pulls/991
Virt sig会议议程纪要:
1、openEuler 20.09虚拟化特性代码已经合入,正在进行稳定性和可靠性等测试。
a) vcpu hotplug/mem hotplug/HPRE加速三个特性已经测试完成。
b) 虚拟机可信启动/安全启动/PMU NMI-Watchdog/双层调度等特性正在开展测试中;
c) VMtop、ARM虚拟机支持超线程、ARM虚拟机cpu feature支持Custom三个特性尚未开展测试,正在分析及测试设计;
a) EulerRobot已经开源,已有部分开发者参与,希望后续有更多开发者参与,共同完善和优化openEuler虚拟化质量体系。
b) crystal-ci当前存在物理机部署后卡死无法使用情况,crystal-ci团队解决中,等解决完后再进行对接。
c) openEuler下虚拟化qemu/libvirt等仓库,代码门禁已经OK,正在实现让qemu/libvirt仓库代码合入后自动化生成Patch同步到src-openEuler中便于版本rpm制作,后续代码提交将切换至openeuelr仓库。
3、openEuler 支持riscv虚拟化的进展如下,后续主要进行bugfix。
a) Qemu支持RISC-V架构的KVM;
b) 支持RISC-V架构虚拟机热迁移;
c) 支持vhost的ioeventfd方案;
From: Chenzhendong (alex) via Virt [mailto:virt@openeuler.org]
Sent: Friday, September 4, 2020 10:19 AM
To: virt(a)openeuler.org; dev(a)openeuler.org
Cc: Zhangxiaofeng (F) <victor.zhangxiaofeng(a)huawei.com>
Subject: [Virt] 【Meeting Notice】Virt sig meeting Time: 2020-09-04 14:30-15:30
Virt sig会议议程:
1、openEuler 20.09 虚拟化特性进展 alexchen
2、EulerRobot质量体系构建进展 kuhnchen
3、openEuler RISC-V虚拟化支持进展 Jiangyifei
------- 原始邮件 --------
发件人: Meeting Book <uMeeting(a)huawei.com<mailto:uMeeting@huawei.com>>
日期: 2020年9月4日周五 10:03
收件人: zdchenhn(a)163.com<mailto:zdchenhn@163.com>
主 题: 【Meeting Notice】Virt sig meeting Time: 2020-09-04 14:30-15:30
Virt sig meeting
2020-09-04 14:30-15:30((UTC+08:00)Beijing)
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Virt sig会议议程:
1、openEuler 20.09 虚拟化特性进展 alexchen
2、EulerRobot质量体系构建进展 kuhnchen
3、openEuler RISC-V虚拟化支持进展 Jiangyifei
------- 原始邮件 --------
发件人: Meeting Book <uMeeting(a)huawei.com<mailto:uMeeting@huawei.com>>
日期: 2020年9月4日周五 10:03
收件人: zdchenhn(a)163.com<mailto:zdchenhn@163.com>
主 题: 【Meeting Notice】Virt sig meeting Time: 2020-09-04 14:30-15:30
Virt sig meeting
2020-09-04 14:30-15:30((UTC+08:00)Beijing)
Join Conference
Join (External) >><https://welink-meeting.zoom.us/j/258690350>
Meeting ID
258 690 350
Dial the access number to join conference<http://app.huawei.com/eshare/voiceMeetings>
注:仅支持部分国家和地区。( Only some countries and regions are supported.)
If a message is displayed, indicating that the meeting has ended or the meeting ID does not exist, download the latest meeting client and try again.Download<https://zoom.us/download>