I’m very surprised to see that a compiler upgrade defeat fonts package . But thanks for the hard working to bring latest GCC to openEuler ;)
From: guoge (A) via Tc [mailto:tc@openeuler.org] Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2020 10:43 PM To: tc@openeuler.org; dev@openeuler.org Cc: Zhanghaijian (A) z.zhanghaijian@huawei.com; xiezhiheng xiezhiheng@huawei.com; xiasenlin xiasenlin1@huawei.com Subject: [Tc] Upgrade GCC to 9.3.0
Hi, dev-team
GCC 9.3 has been released on 2020-03-12, and we are ready to upgrade the master branch now.
The kernel repo can be compiled through gcc 9.3, no changes needed.
Below are the repos that may need to change a little bit, since gcc 9.3 provides libgfortran.so.5, no libgfortran.so.4 provides anymore.
atlas future gegl04 gutenprint liberation-fonts liberation-sans-fonts nototools Numpy pcp pygtk2 python-fonttools python-pandas python-pillow python-scikit-learn scipy sil-padauk-fonts suitesparse xsane gimp libvma perl-Archive-Zip perl-MIME-Types
the upgrade would be done on May 14th [1], the maintainer of the repos above should look at the daily build report.