sig-raspberrypi meeting 2021-05-12 会议纪要:

1. openEuler 树莓派镜像更新和测试情况
  • 跟进 openEuler 20.03 LTS 内核到 4.19.90-2105.2.0 内核版本,测试使用。
(2)RPM 包更新

2. raspi-config 移植到 openEuler
工作进展:详见 issue:,正在适配的功能:
(1)Interface Options    Configure connections to peripherals 
       - spi、i2c、Serial Port配置测试。详见 issue:
(2)System Options       Configure system settings
       - S7 Splash Screen,删除该功能。详见 issue:
(3)Advanced Options     Configure advanced settings,详见 issue:
      - A1 Expand Filesystem Ensures that all of the SD card is available,已完成。
      - A2 GL Driver Enable/disable experimental desktop GL driver,已完成。
      - A3 Compositor Enable/disable xcompmgr composition manager,删除该功能。
      - A4 Network Interface Names Enable/disable predictable network i/f names,已完成。
      - A5 Network Proxy Settings Configure network proxy settings,测试中。
      - A6 Boot Order Choose network or USB device boot,删除该功能。
      - A8 HMI/Composite @woqidaideshi 0425,已完成。

3. openEuler 的 Firefly RK3399 内测镜像发布试用
详见:openEuler 的 Firefly RK3399 内测镜像已发布,详见:

在 2021-05-12 15:31:18,"openEuler conference" <> 写道:


openEuler sig-RaspberryPi SIG 邀请您参加 2021-05-12 20:00 召开的ZOOM会议


会议内容:1. openEuler 树莓派镜像更新和测试情况
2. raspi-config 移植到 openEuler
3. openEuler 的 Firefly RK3399 内测镜像发布试用





openEuler sig-RaspberryPi SIG invites you to attend the ZOOM conference will be held at 2021-05-12 20:00,

The subject of the conference is RaspberryPi例会,

Summary: 1. openEuler 树莓派镜像更新和测试情况
2. raspi-config 移植到 openEuler
3. openEuler 的 Firefly RK3399 内测镜像发布试用

You can join the meeting at

Note: You are advised to change the participant name after joining the conference or use your ID at

More information