we have verified this scenario test for openssh with dnf, didn't repproduce this issue.

could you update your syslogs and dnf.log to us ? or new issue on openEuler Open Source Communations ?

look forward to your replay, thanks a lot.

发件人: Liyongle (Fred) via Dev
发送时间: 2020-06-15 10:09
收件人: dev@openeuler.org
抄送: yls
主题: [Dev]Re: openeuler 20.3 lts dnf update后重启出错

Could anyone check this issue?



Fred 李永乐


From: yls [mailto:yls_4@163.com]
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2020 09:54
To: contact@openeuler.org
Subject: openeuler 20.3 lts dnf update


就是正常的命令,dnf update -y,完成后重启,ssh 服务就启动不了,提示openssh 7.8openssh 8.1冲突