Hey All,


Sorry for the delay in getting back to everyone. I lost access to my UTD email for a while when I switched jobs. I’ve added my new email address (csim@mit.edu) to this discussion so we can continue it.


For the last few weeks, I’ve been playing with OpenHPC 2.5 based on RHEL 8.5 and have had (some success) on the Kupeng servers I was given access. I’ve been able to get the base compiler and mpi stack along with module support working by rebuilding RPM packages manually from their spec files. As I’m sure you are aware, OpenEuler has much more recent packages for almost all the dependencies, so going this route was not meant to be a permanent solution, just a proof of concept. I’m convinced getting OpenHPC to work on OpenEuler isn’t going to be a huge effort, but it will require some developer time to update the dependencies.


Right now, the development team for OpenHPC is focused on getting a final 1.3 release out with support for RHEL/CentOS 7.9 but towards the end of this month, we plan to start work on 2.6. As we start to work on 2.6 and update our OBS to support it, we will engage the OpenEuler team and produce a strategy for how to move this forward. In the meantime, I’d like to continue testing the Kupeng hardware but move my focus from testing OpenEuler to testing RHEL and SuSE. The original ask was to verify Kupeng hardware as well as to discuss support for OpenEuler. While the rest of the team works on the 1.3 release, I’d like to continue working on verifying Kupeng hardware on our current list of supported operating systems.


Could the VMs that I have access to be switched to RHEL (or Rocky)  8.6 so that I may continue testing? Either the current OpenEuler VMs could be converted or a new set up nodes could be set up, whatever is easier.


Thanks, and let me know if you have any questions.







From: Yikun Jiang <yikunkero@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2022 9:08 AM
To: Martin Grigorov <martin.grigorov@gmail.com>
Cc: dev@openeuler.org; huangtianhua223@gmail.com; wangxiyuan1007@gmail.com; myeuler@163.com; Simmons, Christopher <csim@utdallas.edu>
Subject: Re: [Dev] Re: Support Python2 in openEuler 22.03


> It seems OpenHPC is going to drop the support/requirement for Python2 


Thanks for info, according info from csim@openhpc: "meta packages depends on tau and tau requires python2".


> I think use oepkg to "provide" python2 package is a solution.


Yes, it might be a good solution.


[1] Info record in here: https://etherpad.openeuler.org/p/openhpc






On Wed, Aug 31, 2022 at 9:58 AM myeuler@163.com <myeuler@163.com> wrote:

there is no way to provide official support for python2. 


I think use oepkg to "provide" python2 package is a solution.


-------- 原始邮件 --------
发件人: Martin Grigorov <martin.grigorov@gmail.com>
日期: 2022830日周二 晚上8:01
收件人: Yikun Jiang <yikunkero@gmail.com>
抄送: dev@openeuler.org, huangtianhua223@gmail.com, wangxiyuan1007@gmail.com
主 题: [Dev] Re: Support Python2 in openEuler 22.03



On Mon, Aug 29, 2022 at 3:26 AM Yikun Jiang <yikunkero@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi, as we know, Python2 is EOL in python upstream community, and we drop the python2 support in 22.03.


But there are huge and real demands from users said they are still using python2 in there projects om openEuler 22.03:


Below examples,


1.OpenStack Q version suppprt, some companys want to support Q but they found no python2 support.


2. OpenHPC community are using python2 in their upstream, because the meta pkg like tau are still using python2.




3.IIRC, servral bigdata projects like HUE, storm, are still using python2.


4.Compare to popular OS, like centos, ubuntu, they are still provide official rpm pkg, users can install python2 by yum or apt directly.


and so much like above user demands I couldn't list all in here.


So, is there any possible way to let python2 back by some reasonable way? (official support?oepkg? 3rd repo?)


Feel free to comments any idea/suggestion in here.



