会议主题 Subject 高性能网络SIG例会 会议时间 Time 2022-08-11 19:00-20:30(UTC+08:00)Beijing
Welink视频会议 Welink Video Meeting 加入会议(External)https://meeting.huaweicloud.com:36443/#/j/98674831/7e6f67d8c84bb2983f71b4cbbfaff1011f6ed633fa2dac33 会议ID Meeting ID 98674831 会议密码 Meeting Passcode 123456
召集人 Convener 吴昌盛
提示 Tips 请点击会议链接加入会议,首次使用请在入会界面根据提示下载并安装客户端后输入ID入会。 Click the meeting link to join the meeting. For the first time, download and install the client as prompted and enter the ID to join the meeting