
I am freesky-edward, one of the openEuler community members.

now, we are going to adjust the privillege of openEuler community.
the major change is changing the manager role into developer role and protecting the master branch
to prevent pushing commits. PR would be much appreciated.
please refer to the issue[1] and PR[2] for the detailed information.

This email was to notice you this change may impact your current workload. please let us know your opinion.
any comments or suggestion will be appreciated on the PR, issue, or dev[3] email list(just reply all directly) .
we will keep the PR and issue open for a while(that may one or two day if we don't get any feedback).

If the PR be merged, you may recieve the removing notice email message. please ignore it, the things that
would be taken are:

  - contribution:  commit code via PR instead of pushing if you did so before.
  - merge: accept PR via bot commands[4] such as ***/approve***


following content are the same in Chinese.


我是freesky-edward, openEuler社区member中一员。

现在,我们正准备调整openEuler社区的成员权限,主要变更是将所有项目的manager角色更改为developer, 并且会把所有仓库的master分支
设置成保护分支以阻止直接push代码,但是PR会将是我们欢迎的贡献方式。详情请参见issue[1], PR[2]



  - 如果是贡献,请使用PR代替push
  - 如果是合入代码,请使用bot命令[4],比如 /approve



Edward Lee
Phone: 0086-18200191386
Address: Chengdu City, Sichuan Privince, China