Hi all,
Please find today'e meeting minutes. The agenda is as proposed but the order was changed.
1. Metrics: who is who; Zhangxia #info sharing 1) Apache Software Foundation may requires employees to assign Enterprise CLA 2) Linux Foundation doesn't have such requirements. 3) Enterprise CLA has both pros and cons to developers.
2. pending issues from last week None.
3. key tasks we need to discuss [1] The most important tasks are below: 1) Bug management for LTS releases https://gitee.com/openeuler/community/issues/I1D0BH Status: ongoing Owner: Yang Li
2) FAQ enhancement for new contributors https://gitee.com/openeuler/community/issues/I1D4ET?from=project-issue https://gitee.com/openeuler/website/tree/master/content/zh/about_openeuler Status: help needed Owner: Fred Li
3) Discussion: https://gitee.com/openeuler/community/issues/I1D2MM?from=project-issue
TODO: Edward to explain in the issue that maintainers can approve owners changes.
4) Discussion: there are 4 engineers to apply for VMs from PCL, but none of them are qualitifed to be approved. What should we do? TODO: Fred Li to let PCL know that there is a bug to provide resources.
5) lack of new release information in homepage, as well as gitee. Owner: Fred Li
4. Metrics: organizations; Ivye please move to https://gitee.com/openeuler/community/issues/I1D938?from=project-issue to share your diea.
5. Metrics: what has happened before and after openEuler 20.03 LTS was release. Zhongjun Thanks to Zhongjun.
6. open discussion none.
[1] https://gitee.com/openeuler/community/wikis/All%20the%20open%20tasks%20about...
-- Regards Fred Li (李永乐)