-----Original Message----- From: oulijun oulijun@huawei.com Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 22:18 To: Li, Xiaoyun xiaoyun.li@intel.com; Yigit, Ferruh ferruh.yigit@intel.com Cc: dev@dpdk.org; linuxarm@openeuler.org Subject: Re: [PATCH 1/3] app/testpmd: fix forwarding configuration when DCB test
在 2021/3/23 16:55, Li, Xiaoyun 写道:
-----Original Message----- From: Lijun Ou oulijun@huawei.com Sent: Friday, March 5, 2021 18:22 To: Yigit, Ferruh ferruh.yigit@intel.com Cc: Li, Xiaoyun xiaoyun.li@intel.com; dev@dpdk.org; linuxarm@openeuler.org Subject: [PATCH 1/3] app/testpmd: fix forwarding configuration when DCB test
From: Huisong Li lihuisong@huawei.com
The commit message is too long and redundant. Please simplify it.
+static uint16_t +get_fwd_port_total_tc_num(void) +{
- struct rte_eth_dcb_info dcb_info;
- uint16_t total_tc_num = 0;
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; i < nb_fwd_ports; i++) {
(void)rte_eth_dev_get_dcb_info(fwd_ports_ids[i], &dcb_info);
total_tc_num += dcb_info.nb_tcs;
- }
- return total_tc_num;
It's only 3 lines. Is it really necessary to make it into a function which is not
called by anyone else? A comment and the loop are enough.
To calculate the total number of TCs on all forwarding ports, we have to call rte_eth_dev_get_dcb_info(). However, rte_eth_dev_get_dcb_info() has been called twice by dcb_fwd_config_setup() to setup dcb forwarding configuration. The dcb_fwd_config_setup() might be more readable if encapsulated, I think. In addition, variables in "cur_fwd_config" are initialized more centrally. What do you think?
I'm not familiar with dcb. Why does the rxp_dcb_info get from fwd_ports_ids[0] and txp_dcb_info get from fwd_ports_ids[1]? Is this a have-to-be? Can it be both from port 0 or last port? If it can be port 0 or last port, you can just store the last dcb_info after your loop (loop from 0, i++ or loop from last i--).
-- 2.7.4