
openEuler OpenStack SIG组于2021.4.10在北京成功举办了PTG(Project Team Gathering,意为开发者见面会,从OpenStack社区的PTG继承而来)开发者会议,就OpenStack SIG组的运作和规划进行了充分的讨论,也收集了到场各厂商包括联通数科、中国电信、天津卓朗科技、华胜天成、烽火通信、浪潮、统信软件、Intel、中软、Linaro、Arm、同方有云、EasyStack、建信金融科技、九州云、赛迪对openEuler&OpenStack的需求,对SIG组后续的工作非常有指导意义。

  1. 秉承OpenStack社区4个Open的原则,SIG组规范开源运作方式
  2. 以官方releases.openstack.org为标准,选取最新openstack组件版。
  3. 参考openEuler RPM规范,输出OpenStack相关RPM spec模板(比如格式要求,是否需要加UT测试内容等)。
  4. 在openEuler社区中建立OpenStack SIG统一入口仓库,集中issue收集,关闭各子项目issue功能。刷新相关Doc说明。
  1. 由Linaro、华为牵头,在OpenStack社区推动openEuler 20.03 LTS的ARM CI支持。涉及项目包含DevStack、diskimage-builder、system-config等。并从社区沟通层面,在4月19的OpenStack PTG中,与QA、Infra团队积极交流,获取积极反馈
  2. 在openEuler社区推动20.03LTS SP2中Libvirt/QEMU软件包的版本升级,满足OpenStack的依赖要求。
  3. 通过公开投票,将在openEuler 20.03 LTS SP2中优先支持OpenStack的R版本,后续openEuler多版本能力实现后,补齐OpenStack Q/R/S/T多版本支持。
  4. 建立OpenStack在openEuler LTS版本升级的路径,支持OpenStack 1个版本重叠。考虑到OpenStack T之前的版本支持python2,T及之后的版本支持python3,暂定OpenStack T版本作为openEuler 20.0LTS到openEuler 22.03 LTS的重叠版本。 
    1. 希望引入更多OpenStack服务,包括:Kolla、Octavia、Cyborg、Trove。
    2. 希望引入更多OpenStack测试场景,包括: Neutron OVN、OpenvSwitch、LinuxBridge、Ceph以及X86+ARM64混合架构。
    3. 希望提供Packstack、OpenStack-Ansible等类似工具,以yum源安装方式,快速部署OpenStack。
    1. 吸引更多开发者、厂商参与openEuler OpenStack社区工作。积极收集更多用户、厂商诉求。规划下一次PTG举办时间/地点。
    2. 2021年Q2聚焦OpenStack R版在openEuler 20.03 LTS SP2的支持工作。在多版本支持的前提下,再引入OpenStack Q/S/T版本。
    3. 2021年Q3聚焦openEuler  21.09创新版本支持OpenStack W版本工作,挑战在openEuler  21.09中支持OpenStack X版本。
    4. 2021年Q4完成22.03 LTS  OpenStack适配先期调研工作,聚焦openEuler 20.03 LTS SP3 OpenStack更多版本支持。


    Hi all,

    The openEuler OpenStack SIG successfully held the PTG (Project Team Gathering is inherited from the PTG of the OpenStack community) conference at Beijing on April 10, 2021. We fully discussed the operation specifications and planning of the OpenStack SIG team, and collected information from vendors including Wo Cloud, China Telecom, Troila Technology, TEAMSUN, FiberHome, Inspur, UnionTech Software Technology, Intel, ChinaSoft International, Linaro, Arm, TFCloud, EasyStack, CCB Fintech, 99Cloud and CCID TECHNICAL INNOVATION's requirements for OpenEuler&OpenStack. It is very instructive for the follow-up work of the SIG team.

    Meeting summary:

    Operation specifications
    1. Adhering to the four open principles of the OpenStack community, the SIG team standardizes the open-source operation mode.
    2. Select the latest OpenStack component version based on https://releases.openstack.org/
    3. Output OpenStack RPM spec templates based on the OpenEuler RPM specifications. For example, format requirements and whether to add UT test content.
    4. Establish a unified portal repository for OpenStack SIG in the openEuler community, collect issues in a centralized manner, and disable the issue function of each sub-project. To update the description of related Docs.
    Technical Discussion
    1. Linaro and Huawei take the lead to promote ARM CI support for openEuler 20.03 LTS in the OpenStack community. Involved projects include DevStack, Diskimage-builder, and system-config. In the OpenStack PTG on April 19,  we'll actively communicate with QA and Infra teams to obtain positive feedback.
    2. Promote the version upgrade of the Libvirt/QEMU software package of 20.03 LTS SP2 in the openEuler community to meet the dependency requirements of OpenStack.
    3. After public voting, openEuler 20.03 LTS SP2 will preferentially support the R version of OpenStack. After the multi-version capability of openEuler is supplemented, the Q, R, S, and T versions of OpenStack will be supported.  
    4. Establish an upgrade path for OpenStack in openEuler LTS and allow one version of OpenStack to overlap. Considering that OpenStack versions earlier than T support python2 and OpenStack T and later versions support python3, we selected OpenStack T as the overlapping version from openEuler 20.03 LTS to openEuler 22.03 LTS.

    Requirements collection
    1. More OpenStack services are expected to be introduced, including Kolla, Octavia, Cyborg, and Trove.
    2. More OpenStack test scenarios are expected, including Neutron OVN, OpenvSwitch, LinuxBridge, Ceph, and x86+ARM64 hybrid architecture.
    3. Hope to provide tools such as Packstack and OpenStack-Ansible to quickly deploy OpenStack using yum source installation.
    Future Plan
    1. Attract more developers and vendors to participate in the openEuler OpenStack community. Actively collect more requirements from users and vendors. Plan the time/location of the next PTG.
    2. In 2021 Q2, SIG will focus on supporting OpenStack Rocky release on openEuler 20.03 LTS SP2. OpenStack Q, S, and T versions will be introduced when multiple versions feature are supported in openEuler community.
    3. In 2021 Q3, SIG will focus on supporting OpenStack Wallaby release on openEuler 21.09, and will try our best to add OpenStack Xena release support as well.
    4. In 2021 Q4, SIG will first complete the preliminary survey about OpenStack on openEuler 22.03 LTS. And then focus on openEuler 20.03 LTS SP3 stuff.