会议主题 Subject openEuler社区QA sig周例会 会议时间 Time 2021-12-15 16:37-17:37 (UTC+08:00)Beijing 会议地点 Location
Welink视频会议 Welink Video Meeting 加入会议(External)https://welink.zhumu.com/j/213034098 会议ID Meeting ID 0213034098
召集人 Convener 李永强
提示 Tips 请点击会议链接按照提示下载客户端,下载后 无需注册,重新点击链接入会。 操作指导 https://app.huawei.com/eshare/meetings?locale=zh_CN Click the conference link to download the client as prompted. After downloading the client, you do not need to register. Click the link to join the conference again. Operation Guide https://app.huawei.com/eshare/meetings?locale=en_US