openEuler Security Announcement On September, 8th, 2021, the openEuler Community released the security announcements of 15 vulnerabilities on 8 components of rubygem-excon, vim, undertow, springframework, netty, samba, ibus, rubygem-bundler on its official website. For details, please see: Security announcement link: CVE link:
The sa-announce email list is only for sending openEuler security announcements. If you have any question related to security announcements and CVE, you can: 1. send an issue to the component source code repository on the openEuler Community; 2. send an email to the openEuler security team (
Security Committee
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- openEuler安全公告 openEuler社区官网在2021年11月5日发布关于rubygem-excon、vim、undertow、springframework、netty、samba、ibus、rubygem-bundler 8个组件共15个漏洞的安全公告,详情参见openEuler社区安全公告。 安全公告链接: CVE链接:
sa-announce邮件列表仅用于推送openEuler安全公告通知,若您需要咨询安全公告和CVE相关问题可以通过以下方式进行咨询: 1、通过openEuler开源社区对组件源码仓库提交issue进行咨询。 2、向openEuler安全团队发送邮件咨询,安全邮箱openeuler-security@openeuler.orgmailto:安全邮箱 。