Congrats! It will be the first JIT available JDK in the world.


From: jiangfeilong
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 9:29 AM
Cc: Guoge(JVM) <>; wangyadong (E) <>; Chenshanyao <>; Chengwentao (Vintorcheng) <>; xuwei (AU) <>
Subject: OpenJDK RISC-V port is coming!


OpenJDK RISC-V port brings the template interpreter and backends of C1/C2 compiler to the RISC-V world. We supports RV64G (G used to be represent the IMAFD base and extensions of RISC-V ISA) for now and with BV (bit-manipulation and vector extensions) on the way .

We have set up a repo request[1] in openEuler.

