-------- 原始邮件 --------
发件人: Meeting Book <uMeeting@huawei.com>
日期: 2020年12月7日周一 上午9:33
收件人: tc@openeuler.org
主 题: [Tc] 【Meeting Notice】openEuler社区QA-sig双周会 Time: 2020-12-09 16:00-17:00
| openEuler社区QA-sig双周会
| Time
| 2020-12-09 16:00-17:00((UTC+08:00)Beijing)
| Dial the access number to join conference
| 注:仅支持部分国家和地区。( Only some countries and regions are supported.)
| 如果加入会议提示“会议已结束或会议号不存在”,请在官网下载最新版本入会。立即下载
| If a message is displayed, indicating that the meeting has ended or the meeting ID does not exist, download the latest meeting client and try again.Download