5 apply to set up AI-BigData SIG -- sinever


It is agreed to set up a special interest group on big data and artificial intelligence. After revising the MR according to the opinions, contact General Huxinwei to merge.

1. It is not in a hurry to determine the packages, discuss about the classification of all the packages first and remove the package from the description in the MR;

2. It is necessary to be discussed again that whether the unified platform of ai and big data can be developed as a departmental project;

3. If the sig relies on any other SIGs later, we can ask the TC for help;

At 2020-03-03 17:25:57, "myeuler" <myeuler@163.com> wrote:

Topic List :
1. review latest TC meeting topics  -- shinwell
2. software integration policy and rules discussion -- shinwell
3. users & customers feed back share -- Fred Li 
4 apply to set up dev-utils SIG -- myeuler
5 apply to set up AI-BigData SIG -- sinever
6 proposal of setup community security concil -- Li Yang
7 policy discussion for introduction of acceleration libs with hardware license -- Dukaitian 

any questions, bring it up. 

Best Regards.