在 2022-03-25 09:59:18,"renwei (F)" <renwei41@huawei.com> 写道:
>1. ethepad更新:https://etherpad.openeuler.org/p/TC-meetings
>2. 发送邮件到相关邮件列表: tc@openeuler.org
>3. 发送邮件给本次轮值会议主持人: renwei41@huawei.com
>发件人: openEuler conference [mailto:public@openeuler.org]
>发送时间: 2022年3月25日 9:40
>收件人: tc@openeuler.org; dev@openeuler.org
>主题: [Tc] TC双周例会-0330
>TC SIG 邀请您参加 2022-03-30 10:00 召开的ZOOM会议(自动录制)
>openEuler TC SIG invites you to attend the ZOOM conference(auto recording) will be held at 2022-03-30 10:00,
>The subject of the conference is TC双周例会-0330,
>You can join the meeting at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82918292372?pwd=cHlQc085VXROcnNrYjgzcEhYdjdmUT09.
>Note: You are advised to change the participant name after joining the conference or use your ID at gitee.com.
>More information: https://openeuler.org/en/
>Tc mailing list -- tc@openeuler.org
>To unsubscribe send an email to tc-leave@openeuler.org