中国开源正在不断与国际接轨,软件出海赛道迎来高速增长新机遇。而软件的全球化是软件出海的关键一环。用户界面(UI)、各国多语言、货币、日期格式、计量单位等因素都会影响软件在全球的竞争力。 为了助力咱们的软件“走向世界”,G11N SIG结合业界实践,输出了《openEuler社区软件全球化测试指南》。现诚邀各位开发者朋友评审指南内容。期待您的宝贵意见!
《openEuler社区软件全球化测试指南》地址:https://gitee.com/openeuler/globalization/blob/master/openeuler-software-glo... 请在该Issue下反馈您的意见:https://gitee.com/openeuler/globalization/issues/I67QYA?from=project-issue
Dear developer,
The number of open-source projects in the world is surging. Both developers and open-source projects in China have achieved rapid growth. Many open-source software projects are making strong efforts to expand their global presence, in which software globalization is indispensable. Factors such as user interface (UI), languages, currencies, date formats, and units of measurement all affect the software's global competitiveness. To facilitate software globalization testing, G11N SIG develops the openEuler Community Software Globalization Testing Guide. We sincerely invite you to help review this guide. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Have a sparkling New Year!