[Infrastructure] Regarding open OBS, what does infrastructure need prepare

Hi Infrastructure team, From last weekly meeting[1] I took one action “fred_li get the schedule of open OBS”. The following needs to be analyzed and assessed: 1. Volume. About how many engineers does it support? 2. Elastic resource support or not: if access exceeds the criteria, will it restrict, or trigger elastic resource? 3. account management: 4. domain name or IP we will use. 5. anything else we have got from uses(like OVS)? If infrastructure team can provide feedback by Feb 7th, that will be fantastic. [1] http://meetings.openeuler.org/openeuler-meeting/2020/infrastructure/2020-01-... Fred 李永乐

补充以下: 0. 明确我们暴露OBS给用户,最主要的目的是啥? 查看构建日志,调试单个package, 获取构建的rpm? 1. 文档,包括OBS系统的介绍,当前我们的开发流程,是怎么使用OBS系统的,如果需要调试单个package怎么操作等。 2. 域名,确实需要。 3. 关于OBS集群本身支持规模的规格,官方并没有明确说明,不过我们在部署的时候是参考build.opensuse.org网站的部署规格来的,具体说明[1]。按照opensuse的机器规格和包的总量来看。我们现有集群的规格短期内是够用的, 同时我们现在新增了普罗米修斯的监控系统,在资源使用超过阈值的情况下会有告警。 4. OBS系统的组件都是通过脚本部署在虚拟机上的,本身不支持自动伸缩,需要在资源不足的情况下,手动扩展(扩容等) 5. 关于账户管理,OBS本身有类似于maintainer,reviewer bugowner的角色分类,可以在项目的meta中定义,不过我们目前的开发流程,所有的角色定义都在gitee中,obs本身没有开放这块角色分类,所以开放后,任何人可以在obs注册用户,fork 项目,然后只能在个人主页project下面进行调试。 [1]: https://openbuildservice.org/help/manuals/obs-admin-guide/obs.cha.installati... On Mon, Feb 3, 2020 at 9:13 AM Liyongle (Fred) via Tc <tc@openeuler.org> wrote:
Hi Infrastructure team,
From last weekly meeting[1] I took one action “fred_li get the schedule of open OBS”.
The following needs to be analyzed and assessed: 1. Volume. About how many engineers does it support? 2. Elastic resource support or not: if access exceeds the criteria, will it restrict, or trigger elastic resource? 3. account management: 4. domain name or IP we will use. 5. anything else we have got from uses(like OVS)?
If infrastructure team can provide feedback by Feb 7th, that will be fantastic.
[1] http://meetings.openeuler.org/openeuler-meeting/2020/infrastructure/2020-01-...
Fred 李永乐
_______________________________________________ Tc mailing list -- tc@openeuler.org To unsubscribe send an email to tc-leave@openeuler.org

Hi Tommylike, First of all, I found infra@openeuler.org and community@openeuler.org are missed in your previous email. I am wondering if it is a maillist issue. Please find my comments inline. Fred 李永乐 -----Original Message----- From: TommyLike Hu [mailto:tommylikehu@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, February 3, 2020 10:31 To: Liyongle (Fred) <liyongle@huawei.com> Cc: tc@openeuler.org Subject: Re: [Tc] [Infrastructure] Regarding open OBS, what does infrastructure need prepare 补充以下: 0. 明确我们暴露OBS给用户,最主要的目的是啥? 查看构建日志,调试单个package, 获取构建的rpm? [Fred] debug the package and build RPM. 1. 文档,包括OBS系统的介绍,当前我们的开发流程,是怎么使用OBS系统的,如果需要调试单个package怎么操作等。 [Fred] agree. 2. 域名,确实需要。 [Fred] agree, and what is the progress of getting back openeuler.cn? 3. 关于OBS集群本身支持规模的规格,官方并没有明确说明,不过我们在部署的时候是参考build.opensuse.org网站的部署规格来的,具体说明[1]。按照opensuse的机器规格和包的总量来看。我们现有集群的规格短期内是够用的, 同时我们现在新增了普罗米修斯的监控系统,在资源使用超过阈值的情况下会有告警。 4. OBS系统的组件都是通过脚本部署在虚拟机上的,本身不支持自动伸缩,需要在资源不足的情况下,手动扩展(扩容等) [Fred] 3&4, currently the solution is fine. How long will it take to add a new server? 5. 关于账户管理,OBS本身有类似于maintainer,reviewer bugowner的角色分类,可以在项目的meta中定义,不过我们目前的开发流程,所有的角色定义都在gitee中,obs本身没有开放这块角色分类,所以开放后,任何人可以在obs注册用户,fork 项目,然后只能在个人主页project下面进行调试。 [Fred] how to link the 2 users between OBS and gitee? Or is it necessary? [1]: https://openbuildservice.org/help/manuals/obs-admin-guide/obs.cha.installati... On Mon, Feb 3, 2020 at 9:13 AM Liyongle (Fred) via Tc <tc@openeuler.org> wrote:
Hi Infrastructure team,
From last weekly meeting[1] I took one action “fred_li get the schedule of open OBS”.
The following needs to be analyzed and assessed: 1. Volume. About how many engineers does it support? 2. Elastic resource support or not: if access exceeds the criteria, will it restrict, or trigger elastic resource? 3. account management: 4. domain name or IP we will use. 5. anything else we have got from uses(like OVS)?
If infrastructure team can provide feedback by Feb 7th, that will be fantastic.
[1] http://meetings.openeuler.org/openeuler-meeting/2020/infrastructure/2020-01-...
Fred 李永乐
_______________________________________________ Tc mailing list -- tc@openeuler.org To unsubscribe send an email to tc-leave@openeuler.org

Thanks, I only respond your mail to you and tc@openeuler.org malilist. On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 2:16 PM Liyongle (Fred) <liyongle@huawei.com> wrote:
Hi Tommylike,
First of all, I found infra@openeuler.org and community@openeuler.org are missed in your previous email. I am wondering if it is a maillist issue.
Please find my comments inline.
Fred 李永乐
-----Original Message----- From: TommyLike Hu [mailto:tommylikehu@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, February 3, 2020 10:31 To: Liyongle (Fred) <liyongle@huawei.com> Cc: tc@openeuler.org Subject: Re: [Tc] [Infrastructure] Regarding open OBS, what does infrastructure need prepare
补充以下: 0. 明确我们暴露OBS给用户,最主要的目的是啥? 查看构建日志,调试单个package, 获取构建的rpm? [Fred] debug the package and build RPM.
1. 文档,包括OBS系统的介绍,当前我们的开发流程,是怎么使用OBS系统的,如果需要调试单个package怎么操作等。 [Fred] agree.
2. 域名,确实需要。 [Fred] agree, and what is the progress of getting back openeuler.cn?
3. 关于OBS集群本身支持规模的规格,官方并没有明确说明,不过我们在部署的时候是参考build.opensuse.org网站的部署规格来的,具体说明[1]。按照opensuse的机器规格和包的总量来看。我们现有集群的规格短期内是够用的, 同时我们现在新增了普罗米修斯的监控系统,在资源使用超过阈值的情况下会有告警。 4. OBS系统的组件都是通过脚本部署在虚拟机上的,本身不支持自动伸缩,需要在资源不足的情况下,手动扩展(扩容等) [Fred] 3&4, currently the solution is fine. How long will it take to add a new server?
5. 关于账户管理,OBS本身有类似于maintainer,reviewer bugowner的角色分类,可以在项目的meta中定义,不过我们目前的开发流程,所有的角色定义都在gitee中,obs本身没有开放这块角色分类,所以开放后,任何人可以在obs注册用户,fork 项目,然后只能在个人主页project下面进行调试。 [Fred] how to link the 2 users between OBS and gitee? Or is it necessary?
[1]: https://openbuildservice.org/help/manuals/obs-admin-guide/obs.cha.installati...
On Mon, Feb 3, 2020 at 9:13 AM Liyongle (Fred) via Tc <tc@openeuler.org> wrote:
Hi Infrastructure team,
From last weekly meeting[1] I took one action “fred_li get the schedule of open OBS”.
The following needs to be analyzed and assessed: 1. Volume. About how many engineers does it support? 2. Elastic resource support or not: if access exceeds the criteria, will it restrict, or trigger elastic resource? 3. account management: 4. domain name or IP we will use. 5. anything else we have got from uses(like OVS)?
If infrastructure team can provide feedback by Feb 7th, that will be fantastic.
[1] http://meetings.openeuler.org/openeuler-meeting/2020/infrastructure/2020-01-...
Fred 李永乐
_______________________________________________ Tc mailing list -- tc@openeuler.org To unsubscribe send an email to tc-leave@openeuler.org

hi, Fred thanks for the thoughts. my opinion please see following inlined response. IMHO, the most important thing we have to consider is the stable of this system. if we have eyes on the resources usage, it should be good enough to open it. let's discuss it on today's meeting. On Mon, Feb 3, 2020 at 9:13 AM Liyongle (Fred) via Infra < infra@openeuler.org> wrote:
Hi Infrastructure team,
From last weekly meeting[1] I took one action “fred_li get the schedule of open OBS”.
The following needs to be analyzed and assessed: 1. Volume. About how many engineers does it support?
[freesky-edward] first stage, we can provide the resourse useage report and give a extension mechenisim.
2. Elastic resource support or not: if access exceeds the criteria, will it restrict, or trigger elastic resource?
[freesky-edward] it is very hard to answer this question now, but we can open it and have a try with fully usage monitor.
3. account management:
[freesky-edward] already exists.
4. domain name or IP we will use.
[freesky-edward] I am researching in this question, the initial option will be openeuler.org via proxy.
5. anything else we have got from uses(like OVS)?
If infrastructure team can provide feedback by Feb 7th, that will be fantastic.
[1] http://meetings.openeuler.org/openeuler-meeting/2020/infrastructure/2020-01-...
Fred 李永乐
_______________________________________________ Infra mailing list -- infra@openeuler.org To unsubscribe send an email to infra-leave@openeuler.org
-- Edward Lee ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: freesky-edward@gamil.com Phone: 0086-18200191386 Twitter: https://twitter.com/EdwardL0086 Address: Chengdu City, Sichuan Privince, China

Hi Edward, I have only one comment below, and we can continue on today’s weekly meeting. Thank you. Fred 李永乐 From: Edward Lee [mailto:freesky.edward@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 4, 2020 09:49 To: Liyongle (Fred) <liyongle@huawei.com> Cc: infra@openeuler.org; community@openeuler.org; tc@openeuler.org Subject: Re: [Infra] [Infrastructure] Regarding open OBS, what does infrastructure need prepare hi, Fred thanks for the thoughts. my opinion please see following inlined response. IMHO, the most important thing we have to consider is the stable of this system. if we have eyes on the resources usage, it should be good enough to open it. let's discuss it on today's meeting. On Mon, Feb 3, 2020 at 9:13 AM Liyongle (Fred) via Infra <infra@openeuler.org<mailto:infra@openeuler.org>> wrote: Hi Infrastructure team, From last weekly meeting[1] I took one action “fred_li get the schedule of open OBS”. The following needs to be analyzed and assessed: 1. Volume. About how many engineers does it support? [freesky-edward] first stage, we can provide the resourse useage report and give a extension mechenisim. 2. Elastic resource support or not: if access exceeds the criteria, will it restrict, or trigger elastic resource? [freesky-edward] it is very hard to answer this question now, but we can open it and have a try with fully usage monitor. 3. account management: [freesky-edward] already exists. 4. domain name or IP we will use. [freesky-edward] I am researching in this question, the initial option will be openeuler.org<http://openeuler.org> via proxy. [Fred] great, if it works that will be good. 5. anything else we have got from uses(like OVS)? If infrastructure team can provide feedback by Feb 7th, that will be fantastic. [1] http://meetings.openeuler.org/openeuler-meeting/2020/infrastructure/2020-01-... Fred 李永乐 _______________________________________________ Infra mailing list -- infra@openeuler.org<mailto:infra@openeuler.org> To unsubscribe send an email to infra-leave@openeuler.org<mailto:infra-leave@openeuler.org> -- Edward Lee ----------------------------------------------------------- Email: freesky-edward@gamil.com<mailto:freesky-edward@gamil.com> Phone: 0086-18200191386 Twitter: https://twitter.com/EdwardL0086 Address: Chengdu City, Sichuan Privince, China
participants (3)
Edward Lee
Liyongle (Fred)
TommyLike Hu