My name is Moteen Shah, and I am a second-year B.Tech student pursuing
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering.
The OSPP project: introduce libvirt 8.2.0 version for openEuler OS
<https://summer-ospp.ac.cn/#/org/prodetail/22b970370> was the topic that
piqued my curiosity.
I've been contributing to the open source community for the past six
months, also *well versed with developing libvirt* and my patch
<https://listman.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2022-April/230013.html> was
recently* integrated *into *libvirt*. I also worked as an intern as
an* embedded
systems *firmware *developer* for a few months.
I have previous experience with *storage drivers*, *virtual machines*,
containers which I am documenting on my blog
I would like to contribute to this project, and would be grateful for some
resources on how to get started.
Moteen Shah
-----Original Appointment-----
From: openEuler conference [mailto:public@openeuler.org]
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2022 3:21 PM
To: openEuler conference; community@openeuler.org,dev@openeuler.org
Subject: [Dev] openEuler release sig例会
When: 2022年5月27日星期五 10:00-12:00(UTC+08:00) 北京,重庆,香港特别行政区,乌鲁木齐。
sig-release-management SIG 邀请您参加 2022-05-27 10:00 召开的Zoom会议(自动录制)
会议主题:openEuler release sig例会
openEuler sig-release-management SIG invites you to attend the Zoom conference(auto recording) will be held at 2022-05-27 10:00,
The subject of the conference is openEuler release sig例会,
You can join the meeting at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89280936860?pwd=OWhTdXAyb1U4elQvUE12VkZUeVpMUT09.
Add topics at https://etherpad.openeuler.org/p/sig-release-management-meetings.
Note: You are advised to change the participant name after joining the conference or use your ID at gitee.com.
More information: https://openeuler.org/en/