openEuler Kernel sig申报议题,相关内容如下:
- group name (SIG name): Kernel SIG - Char: Hanjun Guo - BIO of the chair: Maintainer of ACPI for ARM64 subsystem - Brief introduction to the meeting: 1. Summary about the works we done in openEuler kernel, and open source strategy; 2. Introduction of key features: livepatch, mpam etc. 3. Plan for the next version; 4. Contribution in upstream:ecosystem & stability etc.
- 组名:Kernel SIG - 主持人:郭寒军 - 主持人简介: ARM64 ACPI 子系统 Maintainer - 会议议程简介: 1. 总结 openEuler 内核的开源思路,以及所做的工作; 2. openEuler 重点特性介绍:热补丁,MPAM 等 3. 下个版本目标及未来演进规划,包括下个版本新特性情况 4. 内核团队 upstream 做的贡献:生态,稳定性等;
On 2020/4/6 21:28, Fred Li via Marketing wrote:
Hi all,
I am exited to announce that openEuler Virtual Summit is coming!
Due to COVID-19, we have to hold the first summit virtually, and I believe this is good to all the members' health. Please stay healthy and strong.
Please visit https://openeuler.org/zh/summit/2020-virtual-summit.html (Chinese) or https://openeuler.org/en/summit/2020-virtual-summit.html (English) for details.
As you can find on the page, there are several pases:
- From now on to April 9th, it is call for speakers. To emphasize,
this is only for Design summit, and please developers to start planning your design summit.
From Apr. 10th to 15th, it is open for registration.
The summit will be on Apr. 17th and 18th.
There will be 2 parts. The first one is summit, and the second one is design summit. On Design summit, the contributors will have a virtual face to face meeting to discuss what we will develop for next release, which is openEuler 20.09 here.
openEuler SIGs maintainers, please start to plan the design summit for your SIG with your team.
Please note that you will have 2 hours for the meeting.
Once confirmed, please send the following information to marketing@openeuler.org. Make sure you have subscribed [1].
- group name (SIG name):
- chair:
- BIO of the chair:
- Brief introduction to the meeting:
[1] https://mailweb.openeuler.org/postorius/lists/marketing@openeuler.org/