On Sat, Apr 4, 2020 at 4:41 PM handsome_feng jianfengli@ubuntukylin.com wrote:
Hi, Robin,
I'm one of the UKUI maintainers, we are very happy to learned that you are instersted in porting UKUI to Fedora, and that's exactly what we want to do. :)
So, what can we do and how to coporate? We don’t have much experience in this.
Thanks, handsome_feng
If UKUI is running on OpenEuler, it should not take much effort to port it to Fedora. The most important thing is to make sure the specfiles conform to the Fedora packaging guidelines[1].
We can set up a dead line if we aim for a Change for Fedora 33.[2] Then the dead line will be 2020-08-11. There are four months to go.
Steps to the goal: 1. Clarify that the specfiles of OpenEuler is legal to be ported to Fedora. Fedora specfiles are under MIT license. 2. Tell me the instructions how to get the specfiles of UKUI packages. 3. Review and fix the specfiles so they conform to Fedora 4. Build the UKUI using the Copr service[3] 5. Test the installation 6. Submit review requests of the specfiles for Fedora 7. Submit Change request of UKUI for Fedora
[1] https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines [2] https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-33/f-33-devel-tasks.html [3] https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/