Hello, My name is Moteen Shah, and I am a second-year B.Tech student pursuing Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering.
The OSPP project: introduce libvirt 8.2.0 version for openEuler OS https://summer-ospp.ac.cn/#/org/prodetail/22b970370 was the topic that piqued my curiosity.
I've been contributing to the open source community for the past six months, also *well versed with developing libvirt* and my patch https://listman.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2022-April/230013.html was recently* integrated *into *libvirt*. I also worked as an intern as an* embedded systems *firmware *developer* for a few months.
I have previous experience with *storage drivers*, *virtual machines*, containers which I am documenting on my blog https://jamm02.github.io/blog/.
I would like to contribute to this project, and would be grateful for some resources on how to get started.
Regards, Moteen Shah