正式交付件只能从mainline和epol里面取。可以开始把factory的包往mainline里面迁移 https://gitee.com/src-openeuler/obs_meta/tree/master/master
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From: 潘晨博 [mailto:panchenbo@uniontech.com] Sent: Friday, September 11, 2020 6:37 PM To: myeuler@163.com myeuler@163.com; tc tc@openeuler.org; 叶青龙 yeqinglong@uniontech.com; 金奇才 jinqicai@uniontech.com Cc: dev dev@openeuler.org; 张磊 zhanglei@uniontech.com; 王耀华 wangyaohua@uniontech.com; 张爽 zhangshuang@uniontech.com; 熊锐 xiongrui@uniontech.com; 高冲 gaochong@uniontech.com; 魏东 weidong@uniontech.com; 张继德 zhangjide@uniontech.com; 付强 fuqianga@uniontech.com Subject: [Tc] Re: 回复:DDE组件适配openeuler社区进展汇报
UnionTech Software Technology Co., Ltd.
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From: "myeuler@163.com myeuler@163.commailto:myeuler@163.com%20%3cmyeuler@163.com%3e"
To: "潘晨博 <panchenbo@uniontech.commailto:panchenbo@uniontech.com>","tc <tc@openeuler.orgmailto:tc@openeuler.org>","叶青龙 <yeqinglong@uniontech.commailto:yeqinglong@uniontech.com>","金奇才 <jinqicai@uniontech.commailto:jinqicai@uniontech.com>"
CC: "dev <dev@openeuler.orgmailto:dev@openeuler.org>","张磊 <zhanglei@uniontech.commailto:zhanglei@uniontech.com>","王耀华 <wangyaohua@uniontech.commailto:wangyaohua@uniontech.com>","张爽 <zhangshuang@uniontech.commailto:zhangshuang@uniontech.com>","熊锐 <xiongrui@uniontech.commailto:xiongrui@uniontech.com>","高冲 <gaochong@uniontech.commailto:gaochong@uniontech.com>","魏东 <weidong@uniontech.commailto:weidong@uniontech.com>","张继德 <zhangjide@uniontech.commailto:zhangjide@uniontech.com>","付强 <fuqianga@uniontech.commailto:fuqianga@uniontech.com>"
Sent: 2020-09-11 18:27
Subject: 回复:[Tc] DDE组件适配openeuler社区进展汇报 这是最近我听到的最振奋人心的消息了,期待下一个release我们可以宣称我们是一个桌面系统了
-------- 原始邮件 -------- 发件人: 潘晨博 <panchenbo@uniontech.commailto:panchenbo@uniontech.com> 日期: 2020年9月11日周五 傍晚6:11 收件人: tc <tc@openeuler.orgmailto:tc@openeuler.org>, 叶青龙 <yeqinglong@uniontech.commailto:yeqinglong@uniontech.com>, 金奇才 <jinqicai@uniontech.commailto:jinqicai@uniontech.com> 抄送: dev <dev@openeuler.orgmailto:dev@openeuler.org>, 张磊 <zhanglei@uniontech.commailto:zhanglei@uniontech.com>, 王耀华 <wangyaohua@uniontech.commailto:wangyaohua@uniontech.com>, 张爽 <zhangshuang@uniontech.commailto:zhangshuang@uniontech.com>, 熊锐 <xiongrui@uniontech.commailto:xiongrui@uniontech.com>, 高冲 <gaochong@uniontech.commailto:gaochong@uniontech.com>, 魏东 <weidong@uniontech.commailto:weidong@uniontech.com>, 张继德 <zhangjide@uniontech.commailto:zhangjide@uniontech.com>, 付强 <fuqianga@uniontech.commailto:fuqianga@uniontech.com> 主 题: [Tc] DDE组件适配openeuler社区进展汇报
我司开发的DDE桌面系统已响应openEuler社区开源号召,目前已基于主线完成openeuler x86&arm双架构适配,成果如下:
4,目前可通过配置上factory,mainline,epol三个obs源地址,通过yum install -y dde来完成dde组件的全量安装,安装完毕后通过systemctl start lightdm即可启动dde桌面,目前还存在部分bug,需要继续优化,效果如下:
[cid:image003.png@01D688F7.DB430330] [cid:image004.png@01D688F7.DB430330]
UnionTech Software Technology Co., Ltd.
This email message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity who/which is the intended recipient and may contain information that is privileged or confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or copying of, or taking any action in reliance on, this e-mail is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify UnionTech Software Technology immediately by replying to this e-mail and immediately delete and discard all copies of the e-mail and the attachment thereto (if any). Thank you.
发件人: 潘晨博 [mailto:panchenbo@uniontech.com] 发送时间: 2020年9月11日 18:10 收件人: tc tc@openeuler.org; 叶青龙 yeqinglong@uniontech.com; 金奇才 jinqicai@uniontech.com 抄送: dev dev@openeuler.org; 张磊 zhanglei@uniontech.com; 王耀华 wangyaohua@uniontech.com; 张爽 zhangshuang@uniontech.com; 熊锐 xiongrui@uniontech.com; 高冲 gaochong@uniontech.com; 魏东 weidong@uniontech.com; 张继德 zhangjide@uniontech.com; 付强 fuqianga@uniontech.com 主题: [Tc] DDE组件适配openeuler社区进展汇报
我司开发的DDE桌面系统已响应openEuler社区开源号召,目前已基于主线完成openeuler x86&arm双架构适配,成果如下:
4,目前可通过配置上factory,mainline,epol三个obs源地址,通过yum install -y dde来完成dde组件的全量安装,安装完毕后通过systemctl start lightdm即可启动dde桌面,目前还存在部分bug,需要继续优化,效果如下:
[cid:image002.png@01D6886E.22A7F120] [cid:image003.png@01D6886E.22A7F120]
UnionTech Software Technology Co., Ltd.
This email message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity who/which is the intended recipient and may contain information that is privileged or confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or copying of, or taking any action in reliance on, this e-mail is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify UnionTech Software Technology immediately by replying to this e-mail and immediately delete and discard all copies of the e-mail and the attachment thereto (if any). Thank you.