sig-CICD SIG 邀请您参加 2022-02-24 16:30 召开的ZOOM会议(自动录制)
会议主题:compass-ci job fields 字段说明
会议内容: 1. compass-ci job fields 字段说明 2. compass-ci web 用户鉴权 3. compass migration to k8s
openEuler sig-CICD SIG invites you to attend the ZOOM conference(auto recording) will be held at 2022-02-24 16:30,
The subject of the conference is compass-ci job fields 字段说明,
Summary: 1. compass-ci job fields 字段说明 2. compass-ci web 用户鉴权 3. compass migration to k8s
You can join the meeting at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89233926493?pwd=STRZTlJHRWl3V0hwS0MvbSsrQ24xZz09.
Note: You are advised to change the participant name after joining the conference or use your ID at gitee.com.
More information: https://openeuler.org/en/