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-------------------------------------------------- 何晓文 He Xiaowen Mobile: +86-18042018786tel:+86-18042018786(中国) Email: hexiaowen@huawei.commailto:hexiaowen@huawei.com
发件人:Meeting Book via Tc tc@openeuler.org 收件人:tc tc@openeuler.org 时 间:2020-06-10 08:50:36 主 题:[Tc] 【Meeting Notice】openEuler TC Regular Meeting Time: 2020-06-10 10:00-12:30
Topic openEuler TC Regular Meeting Time 2020-06-10 10:00-12:30((UTC+08:00)Beijing)
Join Conference Join (External) >>https://welink-meeting.zoom.us/j/665143208 Meeting ID 665 143 208
Convener 郭寒军
Agenda 1. openEuler内核版本选型原则及演进 -- 郭寒军/谢秀奇 2. openEuler安全加固策略评审,符合社区使用习惯 -- 朱健伟 3. openEuler RISC-V 支持进展 -- 张旭舟
Tips: Dial the access number to join conferencehttp://app.huawei.com/eshare/voiceMeetings 注:仅支持部分国家和地区。( Only some countries and regions are supported.) 请点击会议链接按照提示下载Zoom客户端入会,并升级Zoom最新版本。 Please click the conference link and download the Zoom to join the conference, and upgrade to the latest version of Zoom.